Anyone know how old this is? Won it at a raffle and I don't know if it's antique or new. If anything...

Anyone know how old this is? Won it at a raffle and I don't know if it's antique or new. If anything, I just wanna know if it's safe to down...

Please help Sup Forumsros.

peppermint oil?

No? It's whiskey. I just dunno how old.

That particualr bottle hails from the 50'-60's. The creme de menthe shoujld still be drinkable, as alcohol is a pretty decent preservative.

Might be worth something though

Thanks. Do you know where I could get a price check? If not its probably bottoms up...

That's Creme de Menthe, literally "Mint Cream"

It's mint liquor, definitely not a french whisky.

its creme de menthe you faggot

Yeah, OP is a dumb faggot

pour it over some vanilla ice cream

Dude, that's basically a cheap juice. $5 at most

Down it. It's not valuable. Bottle is worth hanging on to if you like old or different glass bottles.

Looking around ebay doesn't bring up much. An empty vintage bottle might collect $5-20. With contant may or may not be more, depending if the bottle has ever been opened. Go to and have a look around

WHISKEY?! Read the fucking label you tard.

Fucking retard, it's not even whiskey ya dumb fuck

Crème de menthe, vintage or not, is not worth a lot. Taste some then you won't be willing to down it as much.

Are you fucking dumb? People like you shlould be restricted to have internet

1960 apparently

Bottle matches this ad from 1983

listen niggers does it look like i speak spanish how do you expect me to read creme de menthe

thnx i appreciate

i aint spanish nigger kys

Crem de menthe is a type of liquor. It's not even fancy, that's what we call it in the states. That bottle was likely bought in the states given that the label is in English you dit.


Frenchfag here. That ain't worth shit

>cheap liquor from France
Neck yourself faggot

nigga why we need a frenchie? its spanish gtfo

Isn't that redundant?

top tier trolling here got me triggered

thats what im saying! people tryna bait me saying its french. they tryna take me for some dumbass redneck

oh yeah it's spanish. i didnt knew bordeaux was spanish or maybe i forgot to read "FRANCE" or "product of france" on the bottlle .

try harder please

anyways guys thanks for the help. ill down it. nice try with the french trolling. i know the espanol when i see it.

jesus christ...

oh shit it did say france my bad... maybe it wasnt a troll sorry Sup Forumsrothers for doubting you

The end.

So are you gonna drink it now? Maybe it'll kill off some of your dumb brain cells and make you less stupid.

yeah, go ahead and do a shot of that and report back


i'm on /b , so it doesnt really boring me because i didnt take answer so seriously .

btw i think this bootle is okay but i depend where you store/keep it.