New Sup Forumsella thread

New Sup Forumsella thread

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Oh my god yes !


stupid 2mb limit


I know :( , appreciate the thread still :)

>TFW the BBC enters your asshole


Is my master in here now?

She went from so damn hot to crack-whore in notime, sad!

Ikr? Got these gifs, but can't post.

haha ik



Is that a yes? I need you!




I know you do user, just keep pumping and leaking.


Fuck but it's getting hard. All these lewd pictures


I don't care, you hold it in for Bella


Yes sir. It's leaking all over my fingers! Her body is just so perfect.




lol shes fucking hideous

>he actually bought a Sup Forums pass so he can post this shit

Look at her teasing those round breasts for us...




About to squirt from my cock. Fuck


Is it weird to find that hot as fuck hnnnggg?


I wanna fuck her so bad.


She looks sick in the face, or a burn victim or just a dirty smelly person in general, or a transvestite. Am I really the only one? I'm usually not picky but she really grosses me out


Can this be a Maisie thread instead?



Lately she has looked disgusting. It started when she lost a lot of weight but now coloring her hair and looking drugged out she just seems like she needs help. She prob knows her movie career is done and is just partying away her sad existence


because both of them are fucking ugly?

coke no doubt
sad but look at her face lately

She's far from ugly, stop judging Her like that user :(

Cant believe this 3rd rate celeb is actually getting a tv show. It's on Freeform, so still laughable. But the commercials show just how bad of an actress she is

Yeah. She's stuffy constantly.

Even from someone who's been into her for awhile you're not wrong. She does need help, the weight loss and constant working out was a bummer

freeform is just abc/disney family rebranded

she is still under contract by the disney factory. they will shit her out when it fails miserably

That's an old pic. She still looks good on this one.
It hurts me, I have to agree with I'm afraid she is doing drugs.
Also those ugly piercings are not helping.

She used to be kind of cute in her pale ginger Betty Boop kind of way, but really have you seen her lately? She looks sweaty, greasy, stank, ugly, gross, I could go on. She also doesn't seem too right in the head anymore.




you can see the molly kicking in in her eyes

I wonder what happened to her.

I know what She looks like now, She's one of my favorite , i have over 5 thousands pics of Her so i'm aware of the change. But i don't know , maybe i'm the only one who isn't sad about Her change

Her acne problem isn't her fault trust me, if she's doing drugs then it's her choice ... i'd rather her not taking any but anyways.

And Her body is fucking perfect , i don't know why everyone hate her now :(

What the fuck, is this really her now? She looks horrible!!

Cause her bad acting has been exposed

I agree with you on her body.
But that face... come on, it's a wreck now.
And yes, acne is her fault.
Change your diet, better hygiene, etc.

Oh fucking wow, I didnt know Bella is going to university now

Caught up in certain lifestyles. Fame, big or small, gets to your head. She's getting hit baddddd. Almost Lindsay Lohan bad.

That is the most queer zeta fanboy post i have ever read on here. All day.

And that's saying a LOT.

we always hated "her". just because 3 of 4 sad lonely neckbeard such as yourself spam her shitty images all over hte board for years doesnt mean we ever liked her

No father + knowing that her looks are the only thing she has, throw in some rape/abuse and she will be dead from an overdose in less than five years

She's one of my favorites as well, I'm in it for the long haul, but I'm just realistic about the situation. The weight loss and probable drug abuse is hard to watch

>throw in some rape/abuse

uh, you know her older sister was the original disney prodigy but she refused to submit on the casting couch and faded into obscurity

bella's mom and bella had to issue giving her up to any and all takers just so she could be on tv and make money for them


On top of her face looking like a German ladyboy her mannerisms are also rude and annoying now, its like the primal drug&Snapchat addiction of 2017

I'm 20 and still have acne, i'm doing everything in my power to not have any but it doesn't change anything. I'm at a point where i don't think it will ever left my face , that must be similar for Her , but yes it could be better for her probably

English isn't my main language and i didn't sleep for long , i'm not gonna argue anymore, i just love her


Hard to watch? Well look at her twitter / snap / insta, She seems happy to me ... , how can you know what's going on in Her life?

and also, wheres the proof of these drug accusations? could just be her not giving a fuck how she looks.

Crack whore much

dani was on zoey 101 and hanna montana then she abrubtly quit and bella took over the couch

Everyone likes to come off as happy on their snap stories. She isn't heading in the right direction at all, look at her. And she doesn't really look happy, just not-sober.

Kind of ironic how the black girl that was on the same show is way more successful and looks way hotter. It's really funny

Fake nose, fake lips, fake tits, fake ass

Like most disney sluts, people only cared when she was under 18. Why 2-3 lonely cucks are still holding on after that is beyond me

She's another crazy Disney princess. Which is a shame, she was so cute. Now she seems baffled by the amount of dick she accepts yet her career is... moving slowly...

Anyways, no need to argue. You can't decide for Her, just keep enjoying Her or else drop it .

Thanks for this thread if you're op

I don't know what's going on for certain. She did admit to struggling with depression on twitter last week. But just going by the number of actors in l.a. that end up in drugs, dani's history with them and how close they are I'd say probable. Even if the weight loss was just because she started working out like a fiend its still hard to see her go from the beige bikini to how her body is now

her giant beak is the only thing real



Honestly never knew she had sisters.

Oldest one isnt that bad

because she stayed with disney. bella thought she was on her way to movie fame all because she was in a adam sandler movie


That sucks for Her :'(

see this tho =>

Tits and ass aren't fake. She's just ugly and gross now.

>Tits and ass aren't fake
that's what they all say

Is that real?
Big puffy nipples...

That's a good way to think about it.
Just sucks the LA scene is so poisonous and detrimental to people who were great the way they are

You can see them..they're small but perky. & puffy. Why would they be fake

She's a good person really, i'm sure She'll be ok ..

dani has always been best thorne

Every time I aee this bitch on Twitter I actually really for real mistake her for Jeffery Starr

Those are fucking nipple stickers to hide nipples you fucking beta lmao