Alright men. Let's see some diamond hard cocks beside toiletpaper rolls. I'll start with my rock hard monster

Alright men. Let's see some diamond hard cocks beside toiletpaper rolls. I'll start with my rock hard monster

>rock hard monster




"alright men"


massive dont know if I can compete



Looks like it's "MASTURBATION TIME"...try to keep quiet so your mom upstairs isn't alerted.

missing toilet paper roll



Anybody want to stroke me off.


No, that would be fucking gay

cut dicks are just so fucking ugly..... i used to be ashamed of my foreskin (even consulted a doctor about circumcision when i was 14 or 15) but thats probably the only good thing Sup Forums has done for me is make me see how lucky i am for not being mutilated by dr kikenstein

Uncut dicks are disgusting looking and filthy.

no but ill let you unload inside me


Show me where




hot veins


just sec

you're right m8, the huge ring scar and dried out head are worth it so you don't have to take 20 seconds in the shower to roll back the foreskin. lets cut off eyelids too because eyeballs look better

Uncut dicks are a birth defect that needs correction.

And they are fucking unsanitary.

obvious bait

nobody is this stupid. Only religious people are.
They think that allmighty wizard that created universe would be mad if you don't mutilate boy's genitals.


Not bait fuck face.

Uncut dicks should be banned. Every dick needs to be cut.

no child should be circumcised, it's fucking barbaric and doesn't provide any health benefits if you wash your dick properly
Also, fuck off kike

how can you be this insecure?? I'm sorry that the most sensitive part of your body was sliced off before you could enjoy it but be mad at your parents, not the rest of us

nice and thick.