Hi americans, norwegian reporting in

hi americans, norwegian reporting in.

i just wanted to say that you're a weird country.

i don't say i hate you, i actually really like quite a lot of your culture etc.

but you're a very, very, very weird country.

thank you for your time.

How are we weird?

I'm genuinely interested in how an outsider views our customs

>How are we weird?
who's your president again?

Hi norsefag

American here. We don't ever even think about you unless it's in regard to your nice white women. Thanks for your time champ.

lol u rite

Ok but what other reasons?

The door it's right there.

Go to Sup Forums Nigger


Meanwhile norsefags are clubbing seals to death for no reason

They like to see them die.

I'm not OP (but a norsefag)
To me I think the strangest thing is your understandig of personal freedom. We treasure things like the freedom from constraints or freedom from fear or freedom from tyranny. It seams very much, for this outsider, like you mostly treasure freedom from other people, or freedom from the state. But you (the group, not the person) are the state. And it doesn't seem like this strange understanding of the state is given much focus in your society.
I'm guessing its because your state is so big that it's hard to see yourself as part of it. But if you're a democracy it should still be true, right?

They taste good, if they're parasite free.

school shootings
employment laws
no metric system
your media (liberal/conservative opinionative-journalism) where new anchors are celebrities
and many more

Hi Americans, I hate you but I don't know why. Everyone else hates you and since I can not think for myself, I will hate you too. Thanks for your time

True. And let's be honest... Norway isn't exactly producing world class women either.

Don't hate user. Love instead.
Love is the power that drives for good. Love it she tool for crafting a better future. Love is what inspires poets and engineers alike to create a tomorrow filled with more love.

Don't hate, user.

Love the thought of america burning.

Before we get into Anders Behring Breivik, why don't you enlighten Sup Forums with a brief summary of your understanding of our gun laws, since you list starts there. Hmmm?

hello! I am norwegian person! I hate Sweden because they are so different from us! I love bokmal and want to be just like the danes! bork bork bork!

>oh fuck i triggered a gun nut
um, excuse me sir, i'm quiet now...


If we had a new ABB every year in Norway we still wouldn't have the murder rate that you have in the USA.

We are a Republic
