What do you think is the stupidest tie breaking procedure in sports?

What do you think is the stupidest tie breaking procedure in sports?

Playing 162 season games and still needing a playoff to decide who the best team is.

>needing a tiebreaker outside the playoffs

what did he mean by this

Well if they didn't want penalties maybe Derdiyok should have scored that sitter in extra time.


>penalties are so great they trigger the joos


Golden point

Or maybe should have practiced more for penalties.

Penalty kicks are unironically the fucking worst, followed closely by hockey shootouts.

>penulties go against the interests of the Soros family

Good, means we should keep it forever.

This is the GOATEST tiebreaker

Coin tossing, it was a thing before penalties shootouts became a thing

Drawing of lots.

>What do you think is the stupidest tie breaking procedure in sports?
certainly not penalties

it's either
>away goals
>golden goal
>discipline points


The nfl OT rules
Golden goal is not that bad desu

goal difference being the tiebreaker after points

should be victories

Portugal didn't win a single game in the group stage of EURO 2016, yet they advanced to the next stage over teams that had the same amount of points but actually won a match.

Then Portugal must have lost less games

golden goal is literally real time penalties tho

so what
they should encourage teams to try and win, not just to "avoid losing"

If you have better Gd then obviously you either did try to win or the other team is that shit


makes sense tho

he is right, nothing wrong with goal difference being above amount of victories. It encourages teams to score more, making the game more fastpaced. A team parking the bus after they managed to get 1-0 is the same thing as a team parking the bus for a tie.

The only retarded thing was making a 24 teams tournament in Europe. "Best [thirds] qualifies" has always been bullshit too

This reminds the time I won the euros with Poland when I reached the playoffs with only 2 points and a -2 gd

Football manager btw

what if your GD is fucking 0?

fun fact
Boca won the 1989 supercopa after four 0-0 in six matches

Coin flip doesn't decide the game but who goes first retard.

PK are alright but the ball should be farther from the goal and player should be allowed to run with it

This. Underrated post.

>Golden Goal
>Literally both teams parking the Bus and the ball in the middle of the field waiting to go to penalties.

Golden goal should go on for ever

You mean american penalties?