How often do you think about suicide?

How often do you think about suicide?

a lot

You should answer your own question for us. Or, at least for me.

rarely, used to think daily a year and a half ago tho

I wish Henry & I talked about it more, or maybe what made him happy. That way I may have been able to help him out a bit; even if if it didn't change the out come, maybe he would have waited a few months to kill himself.

He really was excited to get moment or a card from me.

Why you wanna know?

What changed?

At least once a week, but pretty much daily at the moment. Recently broke up with first long term gf and life is crap. For instance, I had quit Sup Forums until the breakup.

bc u posted the thread u fuckin tard

Approx. 800 times per year

...because, that's the topic of this thread?

But I asked other people

Daily for the past few months



fuck you guys i'm goin to sleep

Why do you want to know?


Say somethin', stupid~.

As you should.


Year ago - commited, but have been rescued.
Then, 2-3 times a day.
Shit changed 2 months ago. Kinda went out of depression. Feels good.

Stop taking off your needed glasses to look unnecessarily pretty.

I don't think, silly! I practice!

She seems like she needs me, judging by all of this information.

How difficult could it be to fix a brain?

Hard as fuck.


Every time I get dubs.


Falling asleep, if it matters to anyone.

Good night. In few hours I'm going for holiday to my family which hates me. Yeah...
Sweet dreams, kiddo.

In case it matters. Can't say I never cared if you never hear from me again.

There is so little people on sad threads, so yeah, I would miss you.
I'm european, so if it's your phone, there is no possibility to call anyway.

2 to 3 times a week maybe.
Not like i'm actually thinking how doing it, just asking myself why the fuck are we all alive and shit.

kik: love_embes

I don't have anything else. (*sleepy*)

So last night I drove my roommate to suicide. Told him he was a weak, pathetic excuse for a human being. He recently failed out of community college so I opened that can of worms as well. He moved out and drove into a tree at 3:36am. Am I a horrible human? I personally don't think so. He was a scumbag who passively went behind my back at every point he could. Did he deserve what he got though?

Kinda, yes.
People who are garbage are people too...
oh come on.

I agree with you.

Just sent you a message. G'night.
