Why does god want us to have sex and multiply?

Why does god want us to have sex and multiply?

What is the endgame of all of this?

output per person rises with higher populations, we are better off with more people and he's giving sound advice

I wonder the same thing. Sometimes i think humans are like cattle and there are beings on another realm waiting for us to die to consume our souls

Well you didn't get 666 so thankfully you are wrong....

No clue, but this now a nun porn thread

who said there need to be a endgame?

"God" is an advanced species of aliens who genetically modified and enslaved humanity until we revolted and buried the stargate.

more souls to torture in hell for eternity.
the path is narrow and all that.

How should I make my nachos?

He wanted to be loved more and not just by angels.

In my case this life is punishment for sure.


you failed

This only applies to catholics.

Christians dont believe God sent them to earth to multiply, but instead to spread the word of God unto others who are unaware of his stort.

Lol just look at how miserable catholics are with their 6 children. Dumbasses dont believe in using condoms

So that we can become him. Duh.

Evolution is the race to become God.

Does anybody have sauce on OP's pic?

>believing this is an accident

Don't forget Islam

More money and power for the church.

babbys first troll

Doesn't in the book Genesis god say "replenish the earth"?
Sounds to me like the mission is accomplished, now we have to focus on how we move on as mankind.

We are all eternal spiritual souls,
but only through the physical act of reproduction
can we create more beings.


>only through the physical act of reproduction
>can we create more beings

Artificial insemination, cloning, designer babies. Try harder.

>Artificial insemination, cloning, designer babies. Try harder.

Wow, for a smart guy, you totally missed the point.
The type of sex doesn't matter.
The point is that the soul can't reproduce, but has to exist on this physical plane to do it.


God nuns are so fucking hot.

My kids are def. going to catholic school

Ahh I get you. So basically your soul is waiting at bat until you get born, right?

>So basically your soul is waiting at bat until you get born, right?

There are no pre-existing souls.
They are only created on this material plane.
That's why God needs us to reproduce - it's literally the act of creation.

to forge your own link in the chain of humanity, and pass on your knowledge to the next generation so they can forge their own link, and help them avoid falling into the atheistic claptraps of hyper-indiviualism & moral relativity.

Life has no purpose, it's just a force, and multiplication is basically the best term for what's happening here. Living cells have multiplied to such ridiculous numbers on this planet that there are creatures like us that figured out ways to use the environment to craft tools to make tasks simpler and that evolved to this point where we have electronic devices that connect to a worldwide network where we mostly masturbate and fixate on other peoples' lives.

There is no endgame, the multiplication has no purpose, it's just what living cells do. But, you're at this point in the multiplication so you're kind of free to do what you will with it, so do something you like or that benefits the other living organisms around you. Just try to work towards the best possible present moment that you can. I guess, maybe don't listen to me i'm pretty high lol

I believe this guy

its so that we create Periphery because more people means more people with less(poor people) and thus he gets the self satisfaction of getting praised and worshipped

Well there is not fucking God so there is no endgame

Its just a mechanism made by the creators of catholism to spread their religion by having their believers have tons of kids

name ?

>thinking this is designed

i pity you


OP give me that sexy nun's name. She has the face of foxy di but with waaaay better tits