Why aren't you a Genetic Supremacist Sup Forums ?

Why aren't you a Genetic Supremacist Sup Forums ?

what is the point of being proud of your own race when you have shit genes.


>Why aren't you a Genetic Supremacist Sup Forums ?
b is not a person

also most people here probably have shit genes
I'm dirty blond, with blue eyes and a danish surname, so that's something at least

that picture looks fucking creepy and airbrushed as shit, it's actually scary

Totally with you, OP.

nice dubs

Because white women are boring lol
Im not gonna sit around and defend shitty women

I just someone that is not a nagging whore.
The rest is a bonus.

kek has spoken

>supreme genetics

You wont be defending any kind of women wtf are you talking about

Mine could be better... but they could also be much much worse. I mean, I could be a nigger or a jew or something

She's Aryan. Born in Ukraine. Daughter of Russian and Serb. Pure stock. Nationality does not equal genetics.

can I fuck you user ?

>he doesn't like mixed race girls
Who hurt you, user.

Genetics does not equal aryanism.
Aryan is a protolanguage.
Deal with it.



I am. I married a pale, white redhead like myself and she popped out a blue eyed redhead that looks just like me.

>asymmetric face
>poor eyesight
>grandfathers both had arthritis and died young of heart attacks

I'm not breeding. I plan to adopt someday because I want to be a father but there's no reason to pass on these shit genes.

Eugenics is the only way forward. It will prevent more people like me from having to suffer through life, not to mention those countless others with crippling genetic diseases. To anyone who disagrees, stop being a ridiculous moralist. We are not happy. We all want to be strong, handsome, tall, intelligent, and healthy. Each child born with genes like mine is someone doomed to a lifetime of lost potential.

>nein nein nein

That's the problem with Asians too. Best skin, best pussies, best eyes but they have no soul.

can we have a date?