What to do about this disgusting, unfunny cunt?

What to do about this disgusting, unfunny cunt?

Unpopular opinion over here, but it's kinda hot. Now it's clearly not funny, but it's got that land whale no expectations or standards vibe from it. I'd smash it a few times.

How can something so fat have such small boobies?

more successful than you


stricken from the record.

Even better. It will have self esteem issues, so when I'm shoving my dick in it, it will probably just be happy someone is giving it any attention at all.

By some measures, but then you don't really know that.


Not when you're just as dumpy and stupid as them

>I would not join a club that would have me as a member.

Valid point

Genetics. No other explanation imo

go on...

Keep fat shaming her it will work eventually

She can only play the
>i'm like totally in on the joke, guys
for so long.

"Fat shaming" is a bullshit term invented by hyper-sensitive cunts and faggots to defend lazy, standardless slobs from plain fact.

Eat a dick and stfu, bitch.

I'm a liberal, live in San Francisco, have a Master's degree, disposable income, am white, read the New York Times and the New Yorker, use exclusively Apple products. I am the precise demographic to whom she appeals. And I consider her the most wretched, nauseating, untalented voice of this entire generation. I literally get dry heaves when I see her on television for a half-second before I can change the channel (thanks user). She is disgusting, unfunny, yet somehow narcissistic on top of that. Like if John Mayer was a woman but also fat but also couldn't play guitar. Posting this pic as a palette cleanser.

Who is she/why is she unfunny and disgusting ?

She's a capitalist dressed as a feminist


Sure in money, but more people than not hate her. She successfully is more despised than I am.

This so fucking much...

>everyone knows aneroxia is a health problem
So why is being obese somehow accepted? Not just a little overweight but obese that's what the majority of fat people are, they are obese.

She has a better body than Taylor Swift, I can tell you that.

I would slam that ham

that's a man, dude what the fuck.

She's a cunt, but I must admit I'd fuck her as long as there's not compromise. She's the kind of woman that could get me hard but I could never sympathize with. Same with Amy Schumer. They're not particularly fat, just chubby, which I'm fine with.

Please go defect to North Korea for reeducation hipster trash

I have actually been to North Korea. No joke.

Pick one and only one. Jealousy is why they infest the media and try to destroy European ideals.

> bitches about slobs
> suggests eating

palate, genius. If that whole song and dance were true, you wouldn't have fucked his up.

I don't think enough about her to bother to start a thread about her.

Who is she?