ITT: we write a Vsauce video one post at a time

ITT: we write a Vsauce video one post at a time
Hey Vsauce, Michael here

Why is it that


Have funny faces?

And they have big cocks compared to white dudes

while asians tend to have no cocks at all

Or do they?

Well it ll started in 1450 durring the height of the cold war.

Now for reference it shows that people from india have the smallest penis

wasted trips

stupid post

..and as always, thanks for watching.

Vsauce heer

These statements are what we call... stereotypes. They generally don't have any basis in fact, and they're not even that clever, but still... they persist. What causes people to have such negative attitudes toward other people? Is it an abnormality in the brain? Societal? Or is it just... How we are? Research has shown that.. more educated people tend to have LESS of these negative connotations than less educated people, which seems to point to it being a learned behavior.

Actually in restrospext i suppose black people all have bigger cocks when flaccid simply because their entire civilization has been founded on running around naked and living in mudhuts while fostering a language that they themselves have a hard time understanding. Therefore the most prominent way for a black man to mate when he has litterally nothing else to offer besides a mudhut and broken language is a larger dick then his fellow breatheren that also lives in a mud hut and speaks a broken language. So there you have it folks. Darwinism at its best. The only think black men have to offer is cock. They were bot bred for intelligence or sucess. They were litterally bred on cock size.
Have a wonderful day

*head bobs up*
Hah. Just kidding. I just got back from my little nephew's circumcision. It's a practice that we- the chosen people- practice exclusively.

But why do Jews bite the skin off of their children's dicks?

Are jewish people sexually attracted to kids?

Or would they just rather fuck a fat nigger up the ass?

Now, to clarify this:

Subscribe to my channel or you will get fucked in the ass by a bunch of niggers

but why do niggers tend to rape?

By the way guys, on a serious note, my wife is leaving me for Chad. Should I kill myself, or should I kill her? And how much will that instance in time, weigh?

now for our sponsor for today... GEEK CRATE get all things geeky and pop culture for only $10 a month!

tune in next week when I shove a whole cantaloupe up my ass LIVE!

Hey Vee Sauce, Michael here.

Why do we........

.............Think? I mean more importantly........


.......Do we....... think at all? Recent studies at Who gives a fuck university show that........

...........we.............. do...................


And as always, thanks for watching

I shot up a local school and raped there dead corpses but I put the gun next to a kid I headsotted and they blamed it on him.

You sure as fuck didn't ATTEND a school. Nice spelling, chimp.

Hey Vsauce, why do I like the taste of ballsack? Well it could be the that I'm a faggot. That's all for this one and remember, lick penises.

shotted*, there ya go lord autizmo.