Where do you keep all your Data Sup Forums

Where do you keep all your Data Sup Forums
Do you keep in local HD?
Online drop folder?

What is the best way to keep all the tasty .jpgs

Pics related trashy women

does no one there know how to crush a fucking beer can?

people who drink bud light also dont think ahead

i found her beautiful. Any more pics?

But an iPad with a lot of storage move all pic to that thing instant porn machine full of all those nasty .jpgs

she's poor so she can only afford the outline of a bra?

yes that's why she has to take the aluminum cans back for cash


it's a bikini top. get out more.

NSA stores it all for me in the cloud


any info on her?

sorry I don't frequent the same trailer parks you do apparently

on my 80 meg ide maxtor hard drive, & i run a recursive arj to floppies once a week

dirty blonde hair.
wears rings on both ring fingers. possibly engaged or married.
likes neutral colors (grey top, black bikini, white hair tie).
appears to be a smaller size girl, maybe 5' 2"
shoe size 4-5
judging by the trash bag contents. her and her friends like domino pizza bud light, natural light, captain morgans rum, tollhouse cookie dough, and corn.

Google drive.
You get 15 GB of free storage.
make an account [email protected]
store everything there, the Internet is not going anywhere...
I browse Sup Forums on my phone mostly, so you can just open the pic, and tap share with, and you can immediately upload your pictures to your Drive and folder. when full, just make another account and you can aces your own personal porn whenever and wherever.


Thanks for the breakdown of the obvious, detective

cheap, low maintenance pussy.
take that girl to captain D's and she's all yours.

this is the good idea i needed

elementary my dear homie



Hi there Mr TI

Grand hussy pimp

Im uploading hundreds and hundreds of personal wins to my dropbox as we speak...

Ill just delete eveything from my HD to make space.

HGST sells 3T HDD for ~60 bucks on Amazon.

If you need more than 3T as a plebian Internet user you should look at your collection and throw away garbage.