I DARE you to find a flaw on my girlfriend

I DARE you to find a flaw on my girlfriend.


she has a penis

Her penis.

My dick isn't in her ass

Not a girl.

1) no tits
2) either huge clit or penis
3) face as wide as two city blocks
4) stupid expression
5) Slutty dress
6) As pale as an Irish ghost
7) Filter used in picture


Any pics of her masculine, throbbing cock?

Top kek

What does her dick taste lick? Asking for a friend

Trick question. You don't have a girlfriend.

What happened to their neck?

Not a girl or a friend

Face. Boom. Next.

>looks manlier than my hairy ass
enjoy your man fag

the tucked away penis

Leafy? Is that you?


Needs a second penis

sry bro, you are dating a gay guy

what am I for


Idk what the problem is

I'd suck her dick

She really has a dick, hahaha

How feminine is her penis?


Feminine enough for me. 10/10 would bang.


dude its not feminine. ur just gay

Your loss.

Pretty sure there's a penis. Would still pound her ass like a Syrian airfield though.

what her name is?


>there's a penis

Admittedly: I would too. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Try ritalin.

no. its not a loss. im not gay, i dont want dick. although i am trying to be insulting best to own what u are. even if ur a faggot fuck. queer

A tight hole is a tight hole.

i think u just made everyone in the post stupider. anyway, hows the aids doing?

Oi mate yer sheila is a bloke!

Nah I'm right, if its got a dick its a he.

Any hole is a goal, as they say.

Send me her phone number so I can fucks her


And if you really can't help insert yourself with that played out shit anymore in 2017 you're autistic. Who gives a shit anyway.

>that's not a flaw
>it's a feature

god loves the cock

No, actually he doesn't.

Neither he or Christ either one spoke at all on the matter.

Now Adultery?
Yes, that he hates. It is one of the Ten Commandments Which are the sum total of his Laws in the OT.

Levitical Law applies to "Priests" who would approach or carry the Ark of the Covenant.

>your autistic
>who gives a shit anyway.

Okay then, take it easy dood


It's a boyfriend?

He's not a girl.
That's a pretty major flaw.


Fred Phelps is dead.
Give it a rest.


god didn't make AIDS american sex tourism in Africa did that

Same goes for you.

All sex outside of marriage is an Abomination.

You girlfriend is a boy.

>Levitical law applies to priests
And it applies to all of the people of Israel. Including adulterers and abominable faggots. Quit cherry picking the word of the Lord you fag enabler. Enjoy burning in Hell with all of the faggots, jews, and unbaptised babies.

Boys make the best girlfriends.

>american sex tourism in africa
are you retarded?


Historically it was a French flight attendant.


>Repent or perish.
>Still surfs Sup Forums

>people of Israel
Not a Jew so...

Dogs make the best cats

>And it applies to all

No in fact it does not.

Christs teachings do though.

Including the Golden Rule and teachings about Motes and Beams.

(Don't give more authority to men in funny hats then you do to our Lord.)

So more pics? Wanna see its fuckhole

Dogs suck.


For real. Feminine enough for me too. I'd bang the holy fuck outta that.




God hates blasphemous lukewarm Christians more.

your girlfrend is hot
does she have a boyfrend ?

Okay m8

Guys it's not gay

Thanks for confirming dude



more pics pls