Why haven't you installed a distro yet faggot??

Why haven't you installed a distro yet faggot??

Other urls found in this thread:


xubuntu reporting in

Fedora 25, faggot

Distro? the fuck you mean, windows is just fine.

Superior BSD race reporting in.

Arch master race reporting.

poor driver support

I like windows

no linux distro will ever compete with mighty windows 7


infamous arch faggot reporting in



I'm a windows 8.1 fag



all you fags should format immediately and re-install SUSE


Can't stop visiting this site

Windows user = netsh wlan show profiles



Fuck up faggot, I bet you use Kali thinking you are a god.

Kek, do you even make you're own scripts? or do you download from github instead.

Can't we just get along?


Ha, then the end of life comes along and you either have to stay off the internet, be significantly more vulnerable to viruses than you are right now, or move to Windows 10..

mint here, deban and ubuntu and kali used previously

prob gonna switch to arch soon

Manjaro here

personally I am on cyborg hawk linux, for some reason the sound drivers are all fucked up and I have to uninstall, reinstall, reload, than reboot *every time I want sound.* Tried to install parrot OS, didn't work, tried to install black arch, had wifi issues, finally installed Kali on my other computer, and I like the GUI change since the update in 2016. I'll be installing it on this craptop too, once I stop being such a lazy cunt.


xorg is old, wayland isnt 100%, no standard for package manager, penguins are gay.

wha'ts wrong with xorg

manjaro i3 master race

new hardware and xorg dont mix, always issues which is why wayland came about, no one follows standards or fixes things which is why xorg still sucks and hardware issues arise


>new hardware and xorg dont mix
this has nothing to do with xorg

but maintainability and obsolete architecture is the issue