
Sock edition

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good edition

posting in this edition

stabbing pain in the left of my chest

check yourself into a hospital la

nah, it'll pass
they've got better things to do

I'll read your obit tomorrow

stop smoking. If you are doing lots of pushups in the morning drink more water and don't drink all night before.

don't smoke
don't drink

used to do lots of benzos and ket but not for years now

Why are you awake?

because I fell asleep early yesterday

*yawns and smiles contently in your arms*

Dare I say this is the best /brit/ thread I've ever been in

Hello friends I hope you are having a nice day

Hello friends I hope you've had a nice day

new gimmick
refer to yank wankers as yankers


it's a psychobilly freakout

I did a lot of meth when I was a kid and have a bad habit of drinking at night/coffee in morning w/ before work workout routine. Stupid habits gave me muscle spasms. Dehydration and muscle constriction exacerbated by smoking added up and scared the shit out of me. I thought I was having mini heart attacks. It turned out I was just stupid. Drink more water, my friend!! Please

>I did a lot of meth when I was a kid

I'm sorry. I should be more specific, for your entertainment. I'm in my thirties. This was before the good shit. Indian bathtub crank. You are welcome. And yeah, it's bad for you. MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE A COWBOY THOUGH

>you promised you wouldnt smoke meth anymore

i just wanna blow clouds, brehs

>getting too old to do games with button mashing
bad feel lads
need a turbo controller just to get through some parts

Xcom is pretty good. Turned based strategy is fun times

The other thread is unbearable

>he was in social circles that did meth//heroin

posting from the trailer park eh


I don't think the yankers will very much enjoy this new tradition we have created, mate

what do chickens get paid?
a poulty sum

you stupid fucking mong

is this the thread then?

enjoy a good pair of thin socks myself

i'm very fascinated by Northern Ireland. i'd like to check it out some day desu.

>3 /brit/ threads on the go
ah yes

Love Cat. x

the brekkie

absolute state

Promise me we'll keep talking after Uni.

I can't imagine my life without you.


t. person you never speak to again

Why don't more people have pet chickens

Imagine all the eggs you could have

i have 4 and those stingy little fucks only lay about 2 a day between them on average

the dindins


the 'fast

Girl I made friends with at uni in the first couple of days, went to brekkie with her and things, just ignored me when she found her cool friends. Yeah ok cunt i'm gay anyway don't want you.


off to work lads

give a man an egg and he will go hungry the next day
give a man a chicken and he shall feed forever

free bit of philosophy for you lads


this is a real dinner

yank hours suck

I've not had fish and chips in so long

I want you, but I'm in love with him as well, I always have been.

I'm a disgusting person, you don't want me in your life.

I'm so sorry.

wtf I woke up and we've gone back 44 years

>eating meat

enjoy your bowel cancer


in a bit

That's 8 eggs a day. That's pretty good. Don't fowl your blessings.

last night you were in my room

and now my bed sheets smell like poo

fish isn't meat you stupid bogan

can't fathom the shits you'd take after that

bbm pin? x

I love you, but I hate your friends

no i said between them

fucking wankstain

>he has friends

>stand up
>nearly pass out
but holy shit what a rush

enjoy your brain cancer then

also, lung cancer from those cigarettes

and cirrhosis from that beer

Why do we always argue like this? Seriously?

I'm sick of this. I'm sick of everything. I need some time.

when she says this you begin hanging out with your friends even more to test the boundaries if your relationship

same. last few times i felt all greasy and disgusting after so i stopped bothering. need to find a good chippy really but cba

no biscuits for me tea


bullet points bernie or not happening

dumb fucking leaf

business idea: eat more fish


holy shit you're right
I did not see that at all
2 eggs per day is not very much
But look on the sunny side up, its better than no eggs
An egg in the hand is worth two in the basket

bernie is the most obvious example of a patsy i've seen in recent times

i love the justapostion between the post and the poicture


why does this mong suddenly like the stumpy sword girl so much? bit weird.

I've liked her since 2014

>critising me of beer when you're probably sipping on a goon bag as we speak

enjoy your dementia from all that petrol huffing you filthy bogan scum

own fault

if he knew trump was going to win he should have made a statement and denounced shillary

>In late 2008 she contracted what was first thought to be a common flu, but turned out to be severe meningitis. Necrosis led to the amputation of both her legs from the knee, and both her arms from the forearms.

god damn, that fucking sucks

obsessive creepy behaviour lad. get help.

nah boi

did bernie really say this?

once threw a rock at a calf and nailed it right between the eyes

then i ate one of its fellow cows for dinner

Can't wait to see Boss Bsby at cinema

Looks like a right laugh x

drumpf winning was inevitable

i live in a super liberal city and see nothing but trump and anti-hillary bumper stickers. saw one car with so many anti-hillary stickers on it that it was like a fresh coat of paint

this country wants trump despite what the media is saying

Why are boyish looking girls so cute?

gonna swing by the doctor's office in the morning and see if they've yet got back my bloodtest results for Hepatitis C

really scared tbqhwyf

ah yes
but "this country" also voted for hillary in the popular vote
jog on yank

need to go outside but i can hear my neighbours arguing and our fence planks have a lot of space between them

there's a disproportionately large number of immigrants and minorities living in our cities. luckily their votes effectively mean nothing

my neighbours are really passive aggressive cunts

can't believe i haven't killed myself yet

Article 50?

think i'll start posting earlier tomorrow

maybe 3:30 am

You need to go back.


Commit sepukko now, still have time