Give me a reason not to go to work and kill everyone I see

Give me a reason not to go to work and kill everyone I see

because jail or getting killed yourself. why do you want to kill everyone you work with?

You love sucking nigger dick to much

They are all pieces of shit. Worst human beings on this planet. I'm planning on killing myself anyways, so why not take them out with me? At least then someone will remember my name.

Livestream It atleast

They aren't all Black.

they are useful to your uselessness

Quit being a pussy go off yourself, don't drag people with you


Free donuts day?


Because you're a pussy and won't.

Cause you need to do that at my work first

why is someone remembering your name even important? everyone gets forgotten at some point and it's not like doing this would be anything special given the amount of shootings and bombings and shit recently. Giving your life up so some dumb bitch relative of someone you murdered remembers you is a shitty reason

I would rather walk barefoot across a mile of broken glass than put up with these people for another year until the next free donuts day.

Just close the loop and off yourself

why don't you just try to get a different job? or take some time off?

Chill Brah
Got a kik?
We can talk it over

Because it's almost the weekend, do it on a Monday

Only to spit on it, faggot.

I'm going to kill myself anyways. I guess I have always admired rampage shooters in a way and wish someone else like me out there might be inspired to do the same.I also feel that if enough of us do it eventually there will have to be more focus and attention given to why we do this shit. That and the greatest pleasure I could experience before I die would be the release of all the anger I have been holding inside and the sweet revenge of watching them suffer like I have suffered.

Is this a cop/fbi trying to get OP? Do your job lol

No amount of time off work will change human nature. The next job will be the same, and the one after that, and the one after that.

then do it faggot
why come to Sup Forums first pussy? All talk.

OP probably has major dunning kruger affect in regards to weapons handling especially under stress/changing environment, and will end up going to the mental hospital without hurting anyone

Fuck off faggot

Because you wouldn't like prison rape.

Lmao you don't already think they know why people do things like this, you stated they "why" quit trying to make yourself out to be something different from all the other rampage shooters

there's plenty of things you can do alone that you can make a living from. And yeah most people are shitty but not everyone is

What would you do if I told you my name right now and tomorrow you saw it all over the news?

You probably do not even have a weapon. Pics with time stamp, you know how this works ya mongoloid potato eater..

I wouldn't do shit. IDGAF, your the fucking faggot who can't handle life.

Nah, don't do it. You're gonna give the anti gun fags more ammo

because it's retarded and you'll be remembered for all of a week as a moron sperg then everyone will forget about your existence

do something worthwhile you cunt

Upvote for Dunning-Kruger Effect. Sick reference, bro.

Do it

What did they do that made you suffer that much?

That's clever, did you do that on purpose?

Because it's fucking bad you fucking furry peice of cuck shit

I'm in the army. I'm a qualified marksmanship instructor. I have access to weapons and ammunition. And I've been in the psych ward before. Nothing can fix this.

Dont you have a policy against using language insulting to the LGBT community? The FBI's strength is in diversity.

So how many times did daddy touch your pee pee?>

They know why many people do it though, extreme circumstances on an individual usually mixed in with mental illness. The kind of solution that will prevent everyone from ever suffering just doesn't exist at this point and more shootings won't change that. I'm sorry you've suffered so much, what happened for you to get to this point?

> I'm in the army.
> And I've been in the psych ward before
> I have access to weapons and ammunition.

I started to think this was trolling, then remembered how retarded the army is

bullshit, not only a coward but a liar too

there is no reason

do it

Because you suck so much that you can't shoot straight and people would laugh at you more than they already do.

Because you suck.

I don't even know you and I know that you suck.

What do you need a gun for? I never understand why mass shooters blow their load all at once instead of making a hobby out of being a serial killer and doing it for years.

>qualified marksmanship instructor
>been to psych ward

ok, not like medical assessments and record checking is a thing

They put me on a no-weapons profile for 90 days after my last hospitalization and now that it's over they're hurrying me out to the range because my last qual is expired.

If this pleb tried to serial killer these specific people, he would get caught.
It is a bait thread anyway. Does not really matter.

most mass shooters are just angry rash idiot people with the right equipment lying around them. you need to be patient and intelligent to be a serial killer, the people who arent just get caught after one person

I wouldn't, you stupid faggot. Nothing that you could possibly do would make international news because you're a weak sauce pussy.
But post full name anyway, you may as well get v&.

It's pointless. Don't do it. You will get nothing out of it


you aren't playing America's Army.

The discharge of live ammunition is not condusive to a productive work environment

Sounds like a you problem. I hope you just kill yourself instead.

Wouldn't it be better to do something that's positively remembered?

Kill them all and do it in the name of the muslim faith. Help give them a bad name

Prison isn't fun. Just quit the job and find something new. Play some COD.

I have a better idea though.
you could instead kill them stealthily

like spill a bleach+ammonia mixture on the carpet

or putting butane canisters in the microwave

the options are endless if you're creative enough

You'll get fired, you stupid nigger. How will you support yourself then?

you can kill more if you kill those you can't see

OP a pussy fag bitch nigger dick sucker confirmed

Do it faggot