Colorado thread

Colorado thread

303 stuntin on them pussy 970 snf 720 niggas

Come to the heights, mile high or die

We got better meth

Where at in 970?

Clifton for meth, I'm in OM

Nice I'm in pally

Shit, knew there had to be another user from this shit hole

Lol yeah been lurking forever

Got a kik in case thread dies?


There's 4 people I know in the area, plus the 3 anons already in this thread.
Got a name btw, OP?

Crazy never seen anyone on here from our side of the mountains

No name and no kik, my girl would have my nuts in a bag if she knew I was on here, also not my girl btw, very old pic

Should get a kik still user ;)

Ight got on my old one

So back to topic?

A guy set himself on fire at the civic center today. That and weather is great today

You got me, I looked for it

303 reporting in wheres the white wimmin at

The 2 pics in this thread, I can post a pic of my dog if you want

Go on...

This is all I got


ayy I'm 970 too


Nice doggo

Thank you, this thread got off track but I like it