Donald Trump

Donald Trump.

Talk about donald trump.
What is the greatest thing he has done so far as POTUS?
What is the worst thing?

Anything at all about donald trump here. pls no bully mr spambot.

Other urls found in this thread:

best president ever

whats your favorite thing about him?

Calling the based Derail guy

best thing about him is his wife.
btw does someone haver her lesbian pics?


In my opinion he looks like more of the same i mean, he didn't got rid of obamacare or fulfill other promises.Still relying on China to handle NK same as before. He may be bombing ISIS but Obama have bombed shit 2 so... i guess he's okay in my book.

she looks like xena warrior princess in those

its face is really ugly tho. might not be in those edited porn images but you can see how ugly she is if you watch news.

>its face is really ugly tho
his face is
hers is perfection
btw did u know trump suffers from dementia? just listen to him speak in the 80s and compare it to today

I believe Trump is the biggest example that no matter what we want as the people, nothing is every going to change unless the big wigs want it

Everything he has tried to do has been shot down

He himself as president hasnt been able to do anything because he is constantly blocked stopped or diverted

The only thing the big wigs want is a war by the look of it, but im not surprised since war might be the only thing that will stop this economy from crashing in the next year or two.

Best things he's done is improve our stock market. Look at NASDAQ. He's helped double the highest Obama did the whole time he was in office. And trump has done that in just a couple of months.

hell yeah she does



Im disappointed in trump since he bombed assad






He's a complete and total failure. Everybody knows it. Total disaster. Should be impeached and sent to Gitmo for execution.








yup he has a good start on wiping out the pesky humans




I really hope this bot posts bears next.






















worst thing has been a combination of the animosity in the country and the slow start for actually passing bills.

however, his optimism has created a 'yuge' market rally, raising consumer confidence to all time highs. He seems to be effectively negotiating trade deals to keep jobs in america, and seems to be solving the problem with north korea.








murica is just fucking retarded...
>we give you two parties to vote for
>both support freemasons and jews.
= more debt..

muh healthcare plan

































