Black girl thread

Black girl thread

man she's darker than that big dudes shirt

>Sup Forums behind

That bitch literally charcoal

That's not a nigger, that's a drow.

Her eyes are amazing

this my jam




Pretty sure 90% of the "white supremacists" on /pol / would jump at the opportunity fuck an african beauty like the one in OP's pic.

that's not a person, that's a fucking gengar



Ofc they would. Not all of them for sure, bo some.
t. Sup Forums

she is dead




course they would, but they gotta act edgy n cool for the interwebz attention


black beauty found on omegle :
skype is camerlea2017 at

speaks only french sadly

nigga she green

Oh, look, niggers with traditional white features and plastic surgery. Some of those noses are so unnatural, lol.

Still shitskins


Pick one... just one. World considers blacks the least attractive. Fuck outta here.


>does this top make my tits look like pancakes?

Then how come that whenever nigger thread appears they always are full of people jerking off?
>inb4 hurr german and swedish shitskins doesn't count

here, little guy, take this (you)


A man needs a name

Again, whites are the most desired. Blacks are the least desired. Whites are wanted by all races. Niggers are detested by all genders and races.

Hence why before the age of political correctness, ads features mostly beautiful White, Latina, and Asian women.

Even the nigglettes would rather fuck anyone else.


nvbianprincess on tumblr




I hope you realize it depends greatly on where you live. That sample pic is truly meaningless.

>Sup Forums.jpg

black girls are literally this dumb.

does any one have a good porn vid whit some nigger whit nice tits?
99% of all niggers have saggy shit

>my quickly formed opinion
>is more credible than a study / fact


Brittney White, Diamond Jackson

Can we start a milf/gilf teacher candid thread?

you don't get 'interwebz' attention on an anonymous image board, reddit

stop shitting up a porn thread you autistic faggot. go to reddit if you want to debate

i said nice tits, as always there saggy
only one i know is Brianna Frost

A study based on what and when? Who participated in this study? A study that provides nothing at all, very nice man.
Just calling it like I see it. Like I said, it depends on where you live.

American or just stupid?

Every race has a fuck ton of variation, white included.

It's just the US that's made up of history less mongrels who dumb everything down to white, Asian Hispanic and black somehow being both distinctly different from one another and all one single unified group each.

Which is particularly ironic given that the US Hispanic population are just a variation on the white race, primarily descended from the naturally more olive skinned southern Europeans, hence Hi-'spani(sh)'-c.


> white features

yeah it's not because africa is a fuck huge place and people living on opposite sides look different.

i guess white people really won't let black people have anything will they?

Nigga so black her dad left before she was even conceived

post a better black girl then this
>u cant

OMFG, I'd rub KFC chicken grease all over her body then stick a watermelon up her ass and fuck her pussy till I nut deep inside her.

Sexy looking nigger

That's not a proper cotton picking outfit.

>someone named it a 'study'
>oh shit, it must be true

just stop

I get it you're not the brightest bulb in the box, but the replies aka (you)s do count as attention, anonymous or not. even less anonymous back when we had IDs but that's long before autists like you lurked this place


"Muh tittuhs!"

There's no dating app/dating site survey that shows otherwise, except that most women don't like blacks except black women, and that white guys are the most desired.
Only in Africa itself, and Sub-Saharan only at that, do you see a deviation.



"Muh nippuhs!"

nom nom nom


I suggest you never visit NYC lol. Just don't.

Those are contacts right? right? right?

Gimme porn with such a shadow demon

Just because you saw a few exceptions doesn't mean you saw the general big picture user.
That's the catch. That's why surveys exist. Surveys will always show a presence of a percentage that's the exception which is big enough to be noticed but small enough to be irrelevant.

Only God knows


this is the closest thing to a black girl I have

am I racist

Is this for real?


wonder how she looks with her original nose and eyes

Yup. He was suspended or some such shit.


Black and Australian Aboriginal are two different things. Black girls can be hit, abos are fucking nasty and legit look like monkeys.



thats a indian

goddamn, dude...
shes fucking Vantablack...

ur a indian




Ok I changed my mind. Nigras can be hot.

I got somthin that's gonna RISE again!!


>eyelash extensions
This shit needs to stop.


Bitch so black she'd turn blue if she got a suntan!

Pretty funny that almost every pic in this thread is a 'black girl' with 40% white genetics. Black = black. Mulatto = what you see here; light colored people.

>white features

kek. OP's pic has -40% white genes you stormfaggot.

I think you mean female features you fag.


>implying Sup Forums is one person
I'd fuck her but I wouldn't rice mix

I know
I was just browsing my folders and all I have is whiteys. this is the only foreigner I gots
i think my dick is racist
>pic related

unlocked character thread


>taught my first high school class

kek. No way she's still a teacher now. What a dumbass

No idea, sorries.

I'm fucking dying

mmm nice

i do wish she would use a flash in her photos so we can see her better

shit is that racist?