Coffe appreciation thread?

Coffe appreciation thread?

Considering the shit I eat every day, I would never poop if it weren't for the sweet dark nektar of the gods, *COFFE*

My old french press gave up the ghost last night. Anybody got a recommendation for a replacement? I've been debating another french press or a pour over.
My buddy also mentioned an aeropress but I'm not sure about that.

i like coffee

i like french presses

aeropress is convenient I think. Give it a try.

I've gotten to the point where I feel physically ill if I don't drink coffee. Should I quit?

No man coffe is awesome

Ween yourself off it with some black tea. I drink both but I switch it up every now and again

Moccamaster race reporting in.

I prefer pour overs personally. IMO your best bet is looking around on amazon for either a pour over or french press.

Coffee and Chocolate is proof that not only is there a God, but He's a kind and benevolent God.

coffee is dank but energy drinks are better

I drink a shit tonne of black tea between my doses of coffee. On mornings where I only have black tea I have to stop myself from throwing up.

Never really liked tea but I respect it.

Nothing is as good as coffe.

i drink coffee every morning. sometimes i drink two or three of them.

One per day is enough IMO

Let's see how much coffee and chocolate you get when you are worm food.

I'm italian and I drink up to 4 coffees at day!

I'm Irish and I drink six. Fuck you, poser.

anal is


+ Good coffee
+ van geek out with metal filters and different grind sizes emulating everything from moka pots to french press
+ easy to bring for travelling
+ hard to break
+ relatively affordable

- a hassle to make more than one cup at a time

So you drink 6 "espresso"! The very short coffee.. The real one!

Well that's a pretty solid case for aeropress really
