As the result of a nuclear war, you're the last man on Earth and these are the last two cumdumpsters

As the result of a nuclear war, you're the last man on Earth and these are the last two cumdumpsters.

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck like rabbits

Get a nice still operational car and drive for a couple of years.

Worth it just to see the angry faces of the last two lesbian/feminists on Earth looking up at me and quaking with humiliation and anger as they're forced to suck my cock against their will in the smouldering ruins of society.

Better questions is: which is forced to suck cock first, and which gets outright raped first (while the other one watches, presumably).

Same girl?

dump cum in right

Fuck right, eat left for nourishment

good luck as she tries to claw your eyes out or fatty tries to knock you out from behind as you try to rape her friend

kill them and eat them.
with only one male and two females, there's no chance of repopulation because of inbreeding and birth defects. not to mention the fact that we're in a nuclear wasteland and resources will be very scarce. There is no advantage to keeping either of them alive.

Fuck left multiple times
Fuck right every now and then for a change



Just end it all right there
Slit their throats and your own.
Shits not worth the time

Get blamed for it because I'm the last man.

Skin the fat one for warmth.

I have to admit there's something weirdly hot about the last two women in history just ending up on the last man's dinner plate.

All those years of unrest and revolution just boils down to the last few women being treated like literal livestock.

The chance for birth defects is only slightly higher, btw. Fuck right, eat left, use bones for hunting Spears

If you're gonna off them, you could find way more fun or creative ways to do it

I kill my self right the second i awknoledge this info

Real question for those who wouldn't just ignore these bitches and live out your life in peace by yourself:

How would you even go about capturing and keeping them before you do anything else? Because I bet you anything they wouldn't want to have anything to do with any anons, especially in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where they're pretty much guaranteed to get raped by the last man alive, and could easily just wander off by themselves.

Get girl on left pregnant
Get girl on right pregnant
Keeping going til both have boys
Keep impregnating them until the boys hit puberty
Have the sons of left girl impregate the daughters of right girl to minimise the effects of inbreeding
I'll fuck the daughters of both just for fun when they're pregnant

Just keep doing this til I die or one of them murders me.

Really? Fatty over skinny?

Teach them to play games over LAN

would be hot to remind them of how you'll be fucking their daughters as you fuck those daughters into the girl on the left.

treat that dyke like the baby factory she was designed to be

>Make the thinner grow her air
>sympathise with her
>give the whale suspicious looks
>make sure thinner one notice
>after few days, tell thinner one that the whale tried to convince me to kill and eat her
>we kill the whale
>adam and passable eve repopulate the world

You're missing an opportunity to turn fatty into your own personal dairy cow before you off her

I wouldn't deal in any ways with her. If she's alive she can escape and i don't want her on my planet

fucking sauceee

Treat them the way they should've been treated from birth.

Back to back ass to mouth.

I like plump and pale w/glasses.

pls describe

Daily mating session with both.

Once any daughters start ovulating, they would join the breeding pool too.

Castrate any sons to eliminate pussy competition.

plus those big fat pale udders would be nice to play with, and maybe to milk.

you can also tease her flatchested friend for being far less woman than Petunia Pig there

this seems like the most logical option

Fuck fatty while femnazi bitch sits on her face


Easy. It's just a matter of which goes first and who gets a forced taste of the other one.

Well played user

Id kill the fat one because if I don't the fat one will kill the skinny one out of jealousy that the skinny one is getting 100% of the dickings Im handing out while the fat one is forced to cook and clean

Consider suicide
Fuck right while i send fatty to hunt
If she returns great tell her to keep going till she looses enough weight, then start fucking her too.
If she doesn't oh well go find her and eat her
Fuck daughters, the sons would make great manpower to hunt and start farming.
When i grow old, if i grow old, i'd have tried to write a book about the apocalypse, also tell the youngest son that is of age to start fucking his mother/sisters.
Repopulate earth

You have to wonder which would put up the better fight and which would more quickly succumb to being raped.

Nigga I bet you couldn't even take on the small one

Turn the fatty skinny senpai, she is your new project in the apocalypse. Man needs hobbies.

That would at least be an interesting project, but only worthwhile if fatty keeps those big udders as she's forced to slim down


Okay that might actually be hot, especially if you can force skinny to really grind that ass into fatty's face like she really means it, while her fat friend weeps in shame and humiliation for them both...

ive seen this picture around, is it legit?

You got me.

Have sex with both. The one on the left will probably be sexy in like a year of starvation eating nothing else but my dick

Which would be the better cocksucker?

Better at anal? Or plain old missionary?

Let the human race die out, I guess.

are you so unattractive that you're saying you would need to rape a woman if you were the last man alive?

what a shitty life, dumbass.

I'll take the chub on the left.

Fuck 'em, literally.
Also probably try to make food and a place to live.

simple, fuck em both. have babies, fuck those babies and then have those babies fuck each other.

Yeah man, that really is bread molded in the shape of a human body.

Look how disappointed the skinny one is in the fat one.

"Just keep shoveling it in, you fat."

Raise my inbred retard grandchildren with them and our kids and be glad that there aren't any jews or niggers left.

put on diet the fat one
fuck the skinny until the diet give results
re-poblate earth

eat left one fuck and right one then kill myself.

tie them both up in cages and keep fatty around because big tits.
Fuck them both regularly
Blow my load over both and then blow my brains out over them.
Let them figure out how to get free on their own

Kill them both.
>pic related

>Kill them both.
>pic related

Nope. I'm a psychotic from Texas.

I would murder them.
Funny how far Sup Forums has fallen. Everyone here used to be like me.

You even use the autistic green text.

>Check 'em.

>Pathetic man child.

how kill?

Breed both of them.
Hope for sexier daughters in second generation.

Ak 47 U.
Submachine gun variant of the AK47 rifle platform.
Up close - Like three feet.
Belt the dyke in the belly because the other is gonna panic and just stand there if she sees it.
The skinny one would run. Less beta, more impulsive.

I would think they would see something like a mentor in me, i'm pretty clearly an outdoorsman.
The lesbian would kinda smile and loosen up.
I'd hit her and then the other with one round.

Then execute shot the little dyke when she's on the ground.

Nah bro, anthropologists/mathematicians determined you need at least 100 women and 1 guy to start a population. Given society has collapsed, some of the women will die in childbirth, so you need enough to produce a new generation while tolerating some loss incurred in the hellscape you have found yourself in.


1. Distract the fatty with food
2. Tie & gag the skinny one up with rope
3. Kill the fatty while she is distracted
4. ???
5. Profit

This may be one of the best answers.

Love the image of both of them weeping naked in cages in the rain, with user's blood and brains slowly washing off of their shivering bodies as they realize how truly fucked they may be now if they can't get out of the cages...

This only works if she is post-preggers.

Punch skinny, shoot fatty and then execute skinny?

They naked through all of this? Outdoors?

Considering how almost response in this thread involves these bitches getting knocked up, I don't think that would be a problem.

Really, I'd try to milk both of them. Humiliate them by turning them into actual livestock and force them to endure milking contests against each other and whatnot.

I'd go full tactical gear, every day would be fucking tactical dress up day when everyone else died off.

I was saying dinner party in photo, but it doesn't matter at all.

Force them to fuck each other.

Look for a cute trap survivor.

rail the green one until her hair grows out

they can't even stop killing themself before 30.

I could stand to hear more, especially how they'd react and exactly how you would do this

Track them for days is how i'd do it. Maybe more.
Pay attention to all of their moves, every step they make, salvage food. Always keep a scoped sniper on them - And that i'd just steal.
They would never know i was there.

But once they made it to the garden party.
It's all about me.

- OR rather, a yard where there was a garden party before everyone on Earth but us three died.

360 and walk away
then an hero outa here

I thought this would be after you befriend them. You just run in from the woods, punch them, shoot them and run away?

I would just feel relieved. In the end, it's about me, but it isn't.

It's about the death of intellectualism and free thinking. It's about killing something that killed other people, and in particular they killed the idea that you can say and do what you feel like.

That's why i would kill them. It isn't about how much they do or don't know better.
It's about how much they SHOULD know better.

So i feel i have a right to do it.
Wars have been fought over less plenty of the time.

I was about to say, not much chance for a garden party after the world has ended

Why would i run? There's no one left to punish me.

This guy's makes a pretty good point. When you're literally the last man on Earth you shouldn't have to try that hard.

I think they would just fucking go and hang out there, sentimentality and all.

eat and fuck all day who cares about the future

So do you give a big speech before you execute them? Don't say anything? Listen to them plead and beg to be let go?

wew lad

They'd get it.

Wouldn't have to say anything. Just a double execution.

This. You're doomed no matter what and you'll never repopulate. Just go out with a bang; so to speak.

Why would you assume they're gay lol

You're backwards as fuck dude

At least fuck the corpses when you're done.

use them for creating a inbred family

I wanna fuck the one on the right so badly

hahahaha rekt

I'm pretty sure that's just GabeN with long hair...

The lesbian smiles before a complete stranger executes her? What?