Loli thread old one reached image limit

loli thread old one reached image limit


I want to have sex with Mari.


Literally all of my webms that I got off of Sup Forums of real women who have loli body types are now too big to post on Sup Forums

Fucking shoot me.

I want to kill all moralfags


Reported. you people are fucking sick

2young4me. Akari~n on the other hand is my ideal women.

Shes a slut tho


thats pretty clever user


someone say potassium?




Please don't lewd Akari or hina


Not risking it



I like sluts though.


And I want to treat all pedophiles. Looks like pedophiles are on the wrong end kf the mkral spectrum, once again.

Surprise surprise


You can be banned for falsely reporting.


Good taste.








Sorry but I love Akari~n so much. I want to make lewd to her and make her my wife~.



Why don't we post some that where not in the thread a mere ten minutes ago? K?


Sick fucks.




Seriously why dont you just let us have this one? I just want to fap to drawings of children, but your head pops off the bed with "muh morals" "muh sickos". I thought this place was meant for degenerates.



I can deal with the images, but the dumb fucks that talk about getting married to a drawing need to just die. How the fuck will that work? There is no legal system on this planet that would recognize such a union.

mb, just selected a whole load of random lolis for you all

I want this as a figure

Thats in your internet history now. You gon get V&




It's just some summer fag that has no clue what /b is really about since it is his first summer here. So just ignore him. As long as he knows he is bothering people thinking that is the cool thing, he will keep doing it.

It's all fantasy. Just a way to get the sexual frustration of not being able to marry a young teen out of one's system.



Let's put that in words you might understand.

"A sanctioned internet safe space for pedophiles".

So yeah, no. That's why.



I specifically asked for the opposite



Any more of the blond?


Nobody cares though.


Shes going mowmow





So Sup Forums is really about being a pedophile, only hiding behind drawings?

Wow, Sup Forums has always been shit, I guess.


when will pedros leave?






So this is really your first year here? It's always been like this. Hell I remember the days when CP was rampant and easily obtainable just by going to the front page of Sup Forums. Newfags like you will never understand how much this place changed.

They will never leave. They are just as much of the fabric of /b as spiderman is.


I never understand why people like you only ever go after loli and shota threads, but not after guro,beastiality, obese drawings, vore, scat,etc. Or is this just an act to fish for (you)s?


I'm so fucking hard right now. Thanks.

I don't mind lewds of miu, shes a bitch

Can we get some diaper lolis going up in here?

what child has been abused here, aside from u?




>Complaining about Sup Forums (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.

It is Sup Forums policy that lolicon materials may be shared without violation of board or global rules on Sup Forums. Harassing users who are properly exercising their posting rights is essentially a complaint regarding the polocies of Sup Forums.

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

These posts are neither high quality nor informative, but malevolent and destructive to valid users' enjoyment of a thread.

the object of /b in the beginning was to see what you could post that would get you banned. That's where the /b originated from. So CP was very common as it was a sure fire ban. There is a reason that /b has always been known as the cess pool of the internet.



Because hypocrites like him don't understand they're just as bad as sjw's.


This needs to fucking stop