Trump is going to launch a pre-emptive strike on North Korea if the Glorious leader conducts a nuclear teast this...

Trump is going to launch a pre-emptive strike on North Korea if the Glorious leader conducts a nuclear teast this weekend.

Sleep well, Seattle

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He's got the keys to the gun room and he wants to prove he's a big man


He won't, that's a load of shit
But god I hope he does.
Shareblue please go

He flipped on everything else he said, I'd take his words with a grain of salt.

Everything he lied about to get elected. This is a new thing

well kiss Seoul goodbye. the spray-tanned geriatric can't do anything about all that artillery

He just resigned, it's all over the news

"No dumb son of a bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. You win a war by making the OTHER dumb son of a bitch die for HIS country."
~General George S Patton

it's happening


Not really, no.
He implemented the travel ban like he said he would. The court may have blocked it, but that doesn't change the fact that he really did try to do what he said he was going to. He was 100% willing to sign a bill to repeal obamacare, but he can't sign a bill if the House and Senate don't do their part first. It's not his fault the republican congressmen cockblocked each other. He said he was going to bomb the shit out of ISIS, and that's exactly what he did today. There are dozens of companies putting in bids to build the wall at the mexico border, and the right application of border adjustment taxes will mean that Mexico will pay for it whether they like it or not.

He *is* being nicer about the UN and China, but mostly because all of his aides and advisors are pressuring him to play nice.

the fat kid ain't doin shit. if he sets off a missle, we'll blow it out of the sky

>watch me execute a perfect backfill through this moving goal lost

10/10 perfect mental gymnastics



Prove it.

right, like anything. planes with soldiers? gunned down. boats of soldiers. gunned down.
its south korea i fear might be in for a bumpy ride.
>pic related

>moving goal lost
You're the one trying to move the goal. Trump not being able to do his part because of other people failing/blocking him is not the same as him lying.
If the congress had passed a bill, he would have signed it. That is in no way, shape, or form Trump lying. That is congress not doing what *they* said they would do. Trump was trying to talk congressmen into passing the bill so he could sign it.

No way he do something so hamhanded against best Korea. If anything, he'd bait thrm into attacking South Korea, so that the 150 000 Chinese troops Xi installed on the border recently will have a reason for invading NK . China's getting real tired of Kim, so this would be a good opportunity to do something about it. Trump's just trying to get all the ducks in a row and let the other players decide how to start the party.


Nobody wants war you dumbass

Say good bye to all those kpop celebs you jerk off to.

>Well if you look at the things he has done you would see that he is.

honestly wording it so nice.
hopefully your right, and does not affect any part of the us. (as in bombing any part)

>claims Clinton is a war mongering liar with connections to shady people
>is a war mongering liar with connections to shady people

(inb4 Spammer jumps in to save his lord and master by derailing with lame porn)

"Nato is useless!"
*pisses off everyone not in NATO*
Jk nato is cool.
flip flop flip flop

Trump supporters will think his dick tastes good no matter what he coats it with.

North Korea obviously does.
They have the largest standing army in the world and are illegally developing nuclear weapons.

North Korea wants a boogeyman to throw in front of their people for support. Trump is stupidly giving it to them.

Lol. Taking NK seriously.

Fuck Seattle.

Only reason that city is nice is because there's no blacks or non-whites.

And they're working on fixing that by flooding the city with muslims.

God damn liberals are so mother fucking retarded. Those sorry sacks of shit need to be put in death camps and killed off.

You've got that ass-backwards.
Kim Jong Un is throwing himself in America's face for his people's support. Trump *will* "give it to them" as you say, but not in the way that you mean. This would only work out in favor of Kim Jong Un's PR if we get mad but *don't* do anything about it. If we actually destroy his nuclear research facilities then his people will see that he can't actually back up his boasts.

lmao I crack up every time I see this over-compressed comic sans garbage.

You liberals will literally make up shit to "prove your point".

yeah i live in seattle.
need a good place to move asap.
saw someone else on Sup Forums thinking about moving to iceland or greenland.
might do the same if its one of them isnt infested with niggers

Attacking NK = war with China

Which one of those is made up?

Move to Greenland. You'll like it there.
It's got GREEN in the name so you know it's lush and fertile. You don't want to go to ICEland, that place is probably cold and inhospitable.
Definitely Greenland for you.

You mean like how he labeled China a currency manipulator? Or how he got rid of Obamacare on day one? Or how Mexico is paying for that wall?

Trumps words are completely meaningless. He is the most impotent president in American history.


heres hoping. If trump is the one that liberates the korean camps the libs will shit themselves

heard all the qt danes go there too so.


>the most impotent president in American history.
Millard Filmore
Or that one guy who caught pneumonia while giving his acceptance speech.

you must have rocks in your brain
china will throw NK under the bus if the US and Chinese trade agreements are in jeopardy.

terrible bait.

China doesnt need the US. Trump backing out of the Pacific partnership basically handed china the most promising future markets.

Shareblue doesn't even try anymore.

So ISIS has been defeated ?

this is what happens when you praise a guy who feeds on praise. He does more of whatever it was that got him praise in the first place. Prepare for ww3, boys.

>mass hunger
Australia doesn't have enough beef to supply China (China wants to import beef from Australia) hence Australia has to buy beef from America.
China has been trying to import lamb from Australia for years, all Australian lamb export goes to the US (why trump never canned the free trade agreement)
where will China get its resources from? and where will they get the money to buy such resources if the US isn't importing from China anymore?

>people still talking about Trump as if he's some kind of dictator

he's just a puppet/punching bag for his handlers you dumb nigger

>Trump backing out of the Pacific partnership
That was dead in the water anyway. He didn't say "in the first 30 days of my presidency", he said "defeating isis within 30 days". It that plan wasn't put into action until today, then he's got 29 days to go.
(how many of those MOAB do we have?)

can the pope fit his dick inside a donut?

This. You feed the ego and the ego swells.
America put itself in this position by being to ignorant to pay attention to their leaders for the last 20 years.

I lived near Seattle for 4 years (University Place).

Enjoyed it, but I was more apolitical back then, now that I have identified the enemy (liberals) I don't know if I want to move back there again.

>he's just a puppet/punching bag for his handlers
We know that's what you've come to expect from our democracy, but that's precisely why we elected a rabble-rouser instead of a washington politician this time: so we wouldn't have a puppet.

and pork. u.s. grain/pork export to china is big business.

If Moab = x
And x = 300 million dollars
How many Moab do we have?

Fair enough .
What about Mexico paying for the wall . I'm just as excited to have something better than China but has that been sorted becuase I'm positive Mexico told him to fuck himself.

yeah seattle is such a good place, too bad it was overun by libs.
although i have made friends w/ republicans (mostly over 40, but had some people who were younger)

and pork
thanks user

15, and they're 16 million each, not 300 million

I understand that was the intent but it certainly wasn't the result. Trump doesn't actually care about governing. He's been golfing like every week since he got elected.

>China doesn't need the US
really cause it seems like they need a lot of our food

I don't think this is the correct site for you.


>Mexico paying for the wall
Border Adjustment tax/tariff. Mexico just coughing up a few billion on request to pay for the wall is an absurd expectation. People just assumed that's what Trump meant because they assume he's an idiot, or perhaps because they're idiots themselves, so the fact that it didn't happen that way isn't really any kind of intelligent argument. We'll pay to build the wall, and we'll get the money back through trade regulations.

anons rightI don't think you understand politics, you are right in a sense, but far from understanding.

I can't wait for Seattle to get infested with Muslims. They'll rape and kill all the homosexuals there.

>china will throw NK under the bus
Not if that means unification under the South, as that would mean US soldiers in a country with a land border with China, They're not likely to let that happen if they can stop it.

What do you expect from the Dark Lord?

Satan checked

>implying US will go into combat with NK
do you reallt think soldiers would be deployed in NK apart from a few spies


You. Yes, you. Eat ALL OF THE DICKS


I don't think the US would go to war in NK, but there wouldn't be a North in a unified Korea, and the US already has military bases in the South so if they cut off the head, there's a chance that the North would fall which would suit US interests in a gratefully expanded South.


therefore China has a larger interest in complying with the US

go to the bottom of the page in the link and look at all the tweets.
fuck sake, we share the same air as these cunts

WTF i live in Tacoma will I be affected?


In reigning NK in? Yes, I agree, it's in China's best interests to reign them in if only to keep them there as a buffer state. I just hope NK listens.

NK won't do anything, they have been bluffing for years.
they can't even manufacture a nuke

if russia doesnt care about korea, this is a non issue.
i doubt ussa and ussr want to share a border, so china will take dprk.

thing is, we all know what middle east refugees have to say. the syrians r too dumb to acknowledge their country was destroyed for not having a jew bank.

is the world ready to hear from 20million north koreans that they dont trust jew banking, amd they blame their shitty country on international sanctions?

the muslims in seattle are the homosexuals

>China will take dprk
have you ever met a christian Syrian?
everything in your post is retarded
what brand of tinfoil do you buy?

They can manufacture a nuke, but they can't miniaturize it to fit on a missile yet.

my point is still valid.
my post was half arsed, they have been doing underground nuke test for years.