Post the first three things that come to mind

Post the first three things that come to mind


never get laid

>Post the first three things that come to mind
is this a thing now


has been for awhile unfortunately.


Lords of the Fallen
Tiny hands

Bernie sanders supporter

retarded fat cunt

I'm going to tattoo a ballsack on my cat because I think it's funny

big fucking sword

fat retarded lard

Badass fucking legend

Big ass sword

ur gay lol

Pussy slaying alpha

only two

"prop sword"

i remember seeing that exact sword (well maybe not that one but five of ones that looked exactly the same) at the store we bought our shit from to go to the Renaissance Festival as a kid.

smells like lonliness.

Beard itch
middle age spread

A fat Jim Hardiman?

is that thing full tang? Doubt it, must be a showpiece, a real claymore would cost thousands of dollars and that pleb doesn't even know how to hold it.
