Why hasnt Sup Forums accepted Jesus?

why hasnt Sup Forums accepted Jesus?

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Sup Forumsecause it's mostly porn

Is this girl too young to sign up on a dating site? swingeer.com

well theres more important things in life then porn.

J-man knows we love him.

There's no I in team but there's a J-E-S-U-S on the scene.

I like how you reply to a jesus thread with that

I've accepted him on numerous occasions, mainly in the ass and down my throat.


I have, on the same level I accept Batman, Han Solo, and other fictional people.

Because miracles never happen to me



haha i remember when i made jokes like that in middle school

you played yourself jesus was a real person



theres more then enough historical evidence to prove my point. the romans kept records dumbass.

You probably remember middle school because you're still in it, cunt.

Care to show any of these records?

how can i remember something im still in? contradicted yoourself

let me get you some links

Middle school spans over more than one grade.
My guess is you're in 6th.

your kinda off 12th


Oh, pardon the fuck out of me then. I'll be sure to be more certain next time I assume someone's in middle school. They can be so easily confused with underaged highschool retards.

Please get banned ASAP.

underage? im 18 dickhead

Oh so you probably got held back didn't you fucktard?

Not saying these records are/aren't real but just saying a Christian website is obviously going to want the masses to think he is real.

did you forget seniors are usually 18?

well you have roman sources why dont you look it up on a historical website. im sure it will harbor the same information.

By "most" you mean "about half" and that's only after their birthdays if they're in the summer. Seniors start at age 17 and about half the time, end at 17. You're obviously mentally handicapped so I'm guessing if you're 18 you're not part of that other near half, but were just held back for being retarded.

Jesus is a Jewish demon created by a rival devil we call god

my birthdays in august. wtf are you doing with your life argueing with a high schooler?


were talking about Jesus not mohammed


That's near the end of summer. You really are retarded then. You were held back in an education system that is easy as fuck. I hope you're proud of yourself.

They are all rival demonic factions

move outta mommies basement bud Sup Forums isnt a career

Check em

Not God and his only begotten son

There is no god only demons
Those of demon blood are false profits

You're just projecting your own insecurities onto me because you know you're going to end up that way, since you got held back in high school for being a fucking retard.

Go back to drooling in your tard corner.

We need to revitalize other demons with Jesus's demonic blood our faith is giving the Jews power

God bless you. that was actually pretty funny. lets forget our disagreement and move on.

To conclude Sup Forums can't find Jesus because we have all of the ejyptian god cards


We need to create the perfect race of moon people

i'm too highly intellectual for such fair tales *tips fedora three times for good luck*

Do you possess leg of the forbidden one?

hope you're shitposting

is this yu gee oh?

The three fedora tips won't work if you haven't seasoned your fingers in Cheeto dust

Jesus has to accept Sup Forums first

It's never time to duel cause it's season zero

You need more Jesus privilage

lord Easter bunny, says your a fag

Jesus accepts everyone. in his eyes we are all his children. we just need t accept his sacrifice so our sins may be forgiven.

France isn't the moon

How can I accept something that doesn't exist?


again. there more then enough proof that jesus was real.

Because Jesus fuck my wife

liar, proof of evolution = 1 / proof of jesus =0

evolution only proves how we are here, ask yourself my friend, why are we here.


because it's a cuck religion

love thy enemy.

>lick the feet of your enemy

what makes you think you understand God?

jesus washed the feet of his deciples its an act of respect. does islam sound more "badass" to you?

it's an act of submission
this is why europe is falling apart

europe is falling aprt because the EU is trying to replace christianity with islam.

Jesus Christ

But I have.

peace be with you

well it was great talking with all of you. God bless all of your souls and may he guide you to happiness andprosperity. your all great people and i hope and pray only the best for you. if you dont want to accept jesus that is fine, but please try to help others the best you can. in jesus name, amen.

what God are you talking about?? your Christian one?

the real question is why hasnt this faggot accepted the truth that raptor jesus is the one true saurian savior?

why does this look so unsettling?

did you get this from a satanist website?

I've accepted that he's dead.

Can op accept that we don't care?