Europe has had more terrorist attacks than America had mass shootings this year

Europe has had more terrorist attacks than America had mass shootings this year.

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Europe btfo

About that...

At least we have ..

Meanwhile in Realityland: 104 mass shootings with 152 dead and 341 in 2017 up till now.

i highly doubt that


America has had more serial killers than the rest of the world combined

America CATCHES more serial killers than the rest of the world combined.

Maybe because of the freedoms?

They're local celebrities here.

The quality of a country should be decided upon its number of serial killers

>literally has separate articles for the US
s m h

good post

Wouldn't an uncaught serial killer skyrocket the murder ratio though? There are still killings happening.

>More serial killers than India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico or China

(x) Doubt

Adding +10 murders over the course of a few years active per killer won't necessarily make a statistically significant impact over background noise, especially when we can't separate out serial killer victims from other unsolved murder victims

not enough

It just goes to show that we're even better at murder than you yuropoors

10 murders happen in 10 minutes in America, we're talking thousands

Also the Zodiac killer shows they're not really great at catching them

US is a brutal survival of the fittest place

it's almost as brutal as russia.

yes they are fat

are you gona call us yuropoors too while posting from a trailerpark?


9/11 killed more people than all attacks in Europe combined.

Only 80%?