ITT: 10/10 albums which are over an 1hour long


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delte this
Do not ruin it with memes.

I've said many times on here, there seems to be about a 10 minute fade out at the end of the album, and people will say "how can it be a 10/10 with 10 minutes of wave noises at the end and a repetitive riff at the start for 10 minutes". The way I see the album, it's a long build up to the apex of the album (Part 3) and then the final 20 minutes is bringing it back to earth, letting it down lightly.

I don't see the first and last track as "filler", I see it as a necessity to maintain the purity and power of the album, even though the album is one long song, it had to be split into 4 parts for the vinyl and CD.

>Part 1, repetitive riff for 10 minutes, starts to get on your nerves the first time you hear it (it did to me)

>Part 2, after that annoying intro, it is like a clearing in a forest. A beautiful soundscape.

>Part 3, heavy sludge metal/drone, finishing with a riff that repeats for 20 minutes with various effects.

>Part 4, the same riff, getting quieter and quieter until the sound of waves/water.

If you listen to this album in a conceptual way, you will see why it is a 10/10. Just because it's minimalistic does not mean it isn't a 10/10.

It's straight up an album for high schoolers

aw ye



the entire second half of this album is just boring shoegaze



This is a fantastic record. 10/10 for sure

Why not just listen to actual minimalist music rather than a pretentious metal band's poor imitation?



Oh yeah, a 'metal' band is totally not allowed to cross into other genres. They're a Drone metal band you absolute moron. Maybe you want to give a google on what 'Drone' is.

>Drone metal (also known as drone doom[1]), is a style of heavy metal that melds the slow tempos and heaviness of doom metal with the long-duration tones of drone music

Literally exactly what Flood is. Minimalist can be in many genres. Are you saying metal can't be minimalist? Because that's what your comment says what you are trying to say.

Have you heard Earth 2? It literally has 2 riffs in the entire album, and the final song is 30 minutes of one long chord, nothing else, and is consistently rated as a 10/10. I'm not sure I agree with it being a 10/10, but what I am saying is that 'metal' can be minimalism.


"Actual minimalist music" = classical minimalism



Came here to post this


just barely

It is a 10/10, I don't know if I consider it over an hour long simply because of the fucking skit at the end.

(I just don't want to think of it as longer than an hour because it makes the beat change in Nights feel less perfect)



Definitely not a 10/10 but it's better because of its length

>(I just don't want to think of it as longer than an hour because it makes the beat change in Nights feel less perfect)
what? how so?

you literally just posted "delete this" you retard you're in no position to talk about ruining things with memes

I just bought this yesterday. What am I in for?

It's a 40/40

So much fucking this
>actually using pretentious as a criticism
>thinking Flood is a "poor imitation"


Don't deny it.

post it in the inevitable 2 hr 10/10 thread


This too


