Can grimes hurry up and make a new album already?

Can grimes hurry up and make a new album already?



she's working on it. expect it in 2018.

"@unknownined it's annoying i know haha, but my albums take a long time to create because i don't buy songs/ hire producers/ writers or engineers. the majority of artists do, so they are able to release music faster. unfortunately it takes me longer because if there's a style i need to learn i just have to figure it out by trial and error, or if im stuck on a lyric or beat sometimes i have to start again. i think it leads to more original product though, and hopefully the fans are happier in the long run. that said, i am making a lot of music right now, but i also want to have more of a sonic theme to this album so i'm using less of the stuff i'm recording. in any case, ill try to be as swift as possible!"

Name ONE reason why Grimes isnt the greatest Wafiu of all time!!


...Grimes isn't a waifu.

She can be

Name one redeemable quality of this shit tier "artist."
Her music is trash.

[spoiler]we all know it is her unemployed boyfriend who keeps shilling threads about her[/spoiler]

You can't say that about me, man, I can play power chords without bending my elbow.

You got me user, I legitimately laughed a good deal at that.

Her music is enjoyable and catchy

>stop liking what i don't like!
i don't need a redeemable quality because i like her music enough as it is
to me, there's nothing to redeem

She isn't a 2-dimensional anime character.

>Name one redeemable quality
She triggers spergs like you.

Art Angels was 2 years ago...don't pressure her, great art takes time

grimes is a musician. checkmate!

music taste is subjective, so shut up envious idiot!

not even 2 years. this november there are 2 years (and that includes the lengthy art angels tour).

Grimes is a pig



She might not have the conventional waifu looks, but she certainly has a lot of personality. And that is quite attractive in of itself.

>She might not have the conventional waifu looks
user, She isn't an anime character. She's an irl person.

Such a cute video

Unless you know its backstory...

Imo that's one of the things that makes it such an amazing work of art. Your perception of what it is totally changes depending on whether you're viewing it in context.

He said the video, not the song.

I can read. I'm talking specifically about the video + song combination.