Sports events that should be made into feature films

>making yurop shit



2013 Red Sox

Eight seconds

>Only Hollywood makes films.



can someone explain this meme


>The greatest night in the history of Chelsea Football Club - European Champions!

Yes, the inspiring story of how one of the highest-paid sports teams in history won a trophy. It's right up there with dramatic underdog tales like Man City winning the PL title in 2012 and the New York Yankees winning the MLB title in 2009. Just really warms your heart.

96 niggers died trapped In a mine in london or some Irrelevant euro shit like that

It's not a meme. People actually fucking died you insensitive cunt.

>the s*n
>96 la'
>Our year la'

This fucking shit show.

I don't know what people expect when they throw shit at 7-foot tall guys from a ghetto who are 20 feet away from them. Hard to imagine someone who had it coming more.

What's wrong with the movie they already made?

>this does not slip
how will slipperpool ever recover?


That time when the Oakland A's went on a 20 game win streak despite operating on a shoe string budget would make for an interesting tale.

It's amazing when you realise how horrendous that Arsenal team's diet, lifestyle and conditioning was. Half the team were fucking alcoholics. It speaks volume about the standard of football back then that they were able to win the league.

the history of this team needs a film

the fuck happened

Not a lot of people know about this one, probably because it was before most here were born. But in 1988. Jamaica had a team compete in the bobsled at the winter olympics.

Jamaica! Bobsled! Fucking madness.

They really ought to do a film about that.


This is a transparent troll, but I'll bit anyways, you fucking faggot.

Wow! Yeah they should definitely make a film about it. Maybe a comedy, I mean the story is so absurd it wouldn't work as a drama.

You forgot to include the part about how they were bankrolled by a plucky small businessman from the local neighbourhood.

That was a fun ride. I remember watching Sportscenter every morning, praying to god that they would just fucking lose already.

The Johnny Manziel Story.

but who would play the lead?

Good ol' Ronny Abraham, top lad.

tailor made for Brad Pitt.

they got bought by teams with more money

What is that? The first and only soccer goal ever scored?

The guy from Fan4stic could probably pull it off.

Nick Nolte

Only hollywood makes relevant films


and with all that money, they declared bankruptcy. brilliant.

fuck off dumbass




The story of the local club I played for when I grew up, from a small town. Damn, we had some good times. Our players ranked from bad to pretty average. We only had one good player. Yet we did very well in several big tournements with the power of sheer work ethic and team spirit, fueled by friendship and trust in each other. It sounds cliche, but we overachieved time after time because of our great chemistry.


>nba, nhl, and soccer fans think their sports """moments""" can outshine this one
waiting for a moneyball-esque film for this one desu

That's wrong, too.

I hope it includes the massive amount of holding missed by the referee during that same play.

it was pretty clichéd, but you can't really expect more from a movie like that

it way decent though

Not to mention that Somali bandy team!

this would make a brilliant flick

British stadiums are such 3rd world shithouses than dozens of people regularly die during sports events getting trampled by other fans or some shit.

it happens
just recently with a certain swedish team in fact

>basketball the way it oughta be
That's racist

probably an anime is already being made