Where is your god now

Where is your god now

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Sounds like a traitor

>constantly complains about immigrants
>runs away from britain and becomes an immigrant in another country

not a traitor
just really bad at losing.

So THIS is the power... of the "United" Cuckdom.

You posted this in /brit/ and received zero responses and on Sup Forums and didnt even receive 5

He is married to a German woman.


What's wrong with this?

politics =/= personal life


>harder for other Europeans to immigrate to England
>easier for brown subhumans to immigrate
>economy is already failing

She is German. He could have married cutie.

The looks aren't everything.

>He could have married cutie
but instead he married the woman he loves and probably loves him too, what a loser!

>being surprised Sup Forums ignores facts that don't support their narrative

muh pureru aryaneru waiferu

Oh and he's been having an affair with a french woman.

>easier for brown subhumans to immigrate

>wanting to leave the EU =/= hating western europeans

>>easier for brown subhumans to immigrate
>>economy is already failing


>easier for brown subhumans to immigrate
>economy is already failing
Talking about the USA or the UK?

that's what I tried to say


It's clearly a joke, as indicated by the "But it won't be".

Kek. Anglos BTFO AGAIN



Do you not know the slogan?

EU Poles out
Commonwealth Pakis in




>implying rest of world subhumans can grasp or even appreciate superior English humour that isn't shouty American "DUDE PENIS X-DDDD" jokes

>There are people who still think this in 2017

It seems he phrased it very badly. He should have said "I'm 100% sure Brexit will be a success, I'm so sure that, hell, if I'm wrong I'll exile myself from my country, and this is literally the worst possible sanction I can imagine for myself"

With that said, it's obvious that Brexit will be a disaster, but I can't wait for Brits to leave so we can leave all these memes behind us

Get this cuckstamp outta my flag.

>this damage control

You know, It's probably thing that bothers me most about this sort of things: being right gives you literally no vindication.

At the end of the day you're stuck with a mess that someone else is trying to deal with, the retards who cheered this faggot on are whining about someone or something else, never admitting they were wrong and the person in question is happily absolved from any responsibility living in luxury on (in this case) MEP's pension.

Ah well. Life goes on.