ITT: First album best album

ITT: First album best album

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90% of punk bands







>inb4 no taste


haha gud one

Only correct ones in thread wtf, is this bait?

go potato







almost makes me wanna check out that album

rap just usually sucks, it forgets that lyrics can't make up for shit music
I haven't heard that Kanye album though



Is this one of the exceptions

Everything else they have done has been incredibly mediocre.
[^^link to the stream on YouTube] It's actually pretty cool. Twenty One Pilots may be mainstream now, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good album.

it's a great album if you're into Soul-based production and hooks and semi-conscious lyrics

I listen to mainly Black Metal and Post-Punk and I enjoyed The College Dropout

That's the bible, not an album.

Nothing wrong with mainstream.

this album sounds dated as fuck now, and the rapping and production are mediocre. Also very whiny and juvenile lyrics.

A Thousand Suns is their only good album, great concept, themes, lyrics, and instrumentals. Vocals are great too.

every punk band*


A little too polished for my tastes, but I can see its appeal.


I like Fair Warning slightly more.

Hard choice, but I have to just give this one the edge over Rocket to Russia.



Their only tolerable album honestly.

You know it's true.

only good if you are depressed and like drugs

and under 16


Everything they've released since has been donkey feces.

>fair warning
their worst album with roth

maybe this, i might like puppets better on some days though






Yep. Literally nothing wrong with gateway.



Well technically if you could consider Green Day to be at least a little bit punk, their 3rd album is their best

Kerplunk, Warning, Nimrod and American Idiot are all better than Dookie.

On phone, someone post the Endtroducing cover pls

>this album sounds dated as fuck now

Hybrid Theory sounded dated by 2003.

You know what I just checked the track list of American Idiot and I can say I agree,it's better than Dookie

Most of the LP songs I know still come from this album. I can't believe they were at Ozzfest. They didn't fit even in those days of mid 90s early 2000s rap metal scene.

Please never post anything ever again


Fight me.


Wrong in both regards.



>The album that invented a genre
Dope shit

>>The album that invented a genre
Not true btw

Some days I wake up prefering "A Weekend in the City" but in the great scheme of things, "Silent Alarm" is just better.

>>>The album that invented a genre
>Not true btw
It made an unknown/underground/unsuccessful genre mainstream and popular and "cool". He's the face of grime.

Illmatic Madvillainy TPAB and bottomless pit are the only hip hop albums i recall fully listening to. The genre is just too single-based imo


Two More Years was their last classic era bloc party song. All down hill after that.



Paul Dianno was a great fucking singer for sure.

Early Maiden is the perfect blend of metal and punk

Thanks senpai

(actually reads context)

are Stooges punk?

you've been sitting on that one all day huh?


Every indie band of the early 2000's

Proto-punk, and I wouldn't say their debut is their best either

that's what I'm saying; some people think it's best but it's by no means definitive and the second two probably have more followers

Yep, and one can even say that some of Iggy's solo work is better than their debut

also this album, which still qualifies basically

Why are you expressing your horrible taste


>they cant into Dio era
Album deserves respect you fucking assholes

Master of Reality is still their best album tho

easy mode


It's SBS/Sabatoge/13 tier, might as well have Ice-T sing for them

Its not too often that you can really use the word 'objective' in music, but Dio objectively had superior pipes to Ozzy.

It's cool if you like Ozzy's voice or songwriting better, but Dio had undeniably better voice, technically


That was actually their second LP

Sort of see where you're coming from but there's a case to be made for each of them (even Unplugged)

absolutely. it sucks that II gets way more recognition when it's trash compared to this

I just finished listening to all three. Floyd the Barber is the best song on Bleach but I'd still rate the album bellow Nevermind. Six first songs on that album are all great the rest isn't as interesting. So basically higher highs and lower lows than Bleach. In Utero was meh.

Haunting wails > Over excited DnD player

American Idiot isn't better than Dookie.

>Having a Blast
>Welcome to Paradise
>Coming Clean

American Idiot has Letterbomb. That's it.

Prefer the Piece of Mind - Seventh Son.

Neon Knights is one of the best Sabbath songs.

>implying SBS and Sabatoge are bad

Their unreleased tracks before 2000 (like Temper) were pretty good too