American put their foreskin inside their shoes which they put in the microwaves inside their fridge

>American put their foreskin inside their shoes which they put in the microwaves inside their fridge

delete this thread



Exceptional thread, good job OP

u cant be serious????

>pakistanis have to store their hijabs in the nukes before they can open their fridge


>he thinks we get to keep our foreskins

kek the underage shitskin retard strikes again.

>americans microwave their shoes before they leave the house


>Americans tip their cars to start them

I can tell by the way you write that you belong in

we also keep our drones hovering over your piece of shit terrorist cunt. we will eventually mircrowave every shitskin there.

>americans tip their drones right after blowing up an entire paki village

>this is unironically how an actual American thinks

>Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin Shitskin

yes we do, gladly. whatever it takes to microwave those fucking virmin off the face of earth.

english motherfucker do you speak it?
not HOW but WHAT, you illiterate shitskin

This is the type of cancer you'd find on redneck twitter

triggered, shtiskin?

you have to go back, shitskin

>Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered Triggered

>Sup Forums has to microwave their shitskins before admitting their triggered

>Americans put their their dicks inside traps

>americans put themselves in the microwave after showering in order to dry up

>banter an american
>they start bragging about their military and how they can blow up your whole country and even the whole solar system if they wanted

this is actually true in a way, because at waterparks we have these microwave type things we step inside that drys us off.

>Americans microwave their hotdogs

at least we have a foreskin

but you dont??

>americans tip their anus by shoving coins up their arse after getting buttblasted by someone

When I make americano bantz:
>Hurr durr shit skin
>Paki terrorist
>We destroy you terurist shtiskin

>When australia makes americano bantz:
>Excellent post
>Mfw I was born is u.s instead of australia
>Le epik aussie bantz
>Soooo truueeee
>Top kek XDDDDDD

how many year of streching did that take you?

> americans microwave their microwaves before microwaving

>americans microwave their cars to get the engine starting

>taking your shoes off
i haven't seen my feet in months

Sorry just bantz


Your stomach is in the way

>americans tip their moms to be born

maybe he just has really small feet and poor vision

>german ""humor""


>Americans tip the Internet to shitpost

Oh, you have no legs.. Sorry

>mexicans tip the cartels to behead them

>Americans tip the shitposters

>mexicans tip Americans for their shit

its just one triggered Sup Forumsack, the rest of us dont care. USA has the biggest population here so we are going to have the most visible representation of retards, thats still a small percentage though


fuck off i am not poltard it was just bantz and i am the nicest guy on the block, you don't know me and i apologized didn't you see??




>Be American
>Get shot by kids

Necessity is the mother of invention. The genius American mind brings a new innovation
>Be American
>Keep kids in a refrigerated safe

>damage control

>the average American has a body mass exceeding the healthy standard

LITERALLY can't make this shit up

How will americans ever recover from this?

>American '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''banter'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

I'm stealing this

I love american.

>americans have a large black population, lots of crime, high income inequality, high obesity rate and lots of illegal immigrants