Have you dreamed of this man?

Have you dreamed of this man?

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yes holy fuck i remember last week or so i had a terrible nightmare with this guy in it



Tell us about it.

So yes? What happened in it.

Got raped by sheldon from Big Bang Theory and there was a laugh track the whole time

>me as a 10 yo kid
>im in my bunk bed very late
>wake up
>walk into the living room
>my father and grandfather are looking at a chair
>mumbling about it begin broken with a weird accent
>go back to my bunk bed
>its dark ouside and i can hear the bushes in the wind
>it suddently gets painfully quiet in the living room
>i walk back in
>my dad and granddad are gone, the chair is still there
>go back to bed pretty scared at this point
>hear an incredibly loud banging at the front door
>at this point im fucking terrified in the dream
>as i lay in my bunk bed i can look at my window
>the blinds is not fully closed
>i see this man
>wake up

Not yet, but the time for all of us will come. Mark my words, it's supposed to fuck with your mental health really bad.
It happened before, it will happen again.


This man is reported being seen in ALOT of peoples dreams, it's unknown who he is but a large some of people sketched him out using mental memory alone. It's actually kind of scary. No one knows who he is, I've never seen him before and i hope i don't.


pretty sure OP is behind all the posts above me

Yes I dream of fucking that face every night.

Have you dreamed of this man?


No. Have you dreamed of this man u son of bastard bich?



>17 post
>6 posters


Genuinely laughed out loud.
Thankyou dude.

quit larping.

I've definitely seen him before. His name is Luka. He lives on the second floor. He lives upstairs from me.

His family is always getting into, some troublesome kind of fight. I keep asking him what it was, but he won't tell me.

I think it's because he's clumsy tho. He's always falling over and shit, has bruises all over his face. He's a real quiet talker too. He's kinda crazy, but he's a pretty humble guy, like zero pride in himself.

Hes either
A: a default imagined face of a basic white man that your brain pictures when it doesnt have a face to use in your dream from your memories so it conjures this very basic, common look of a man that most people's brains use as a default face

B: an astro traveler (please look up you dont know what im talking about as its too much to explain)

C: God, or some higher entity

Kill yourself newfag this is old

