Name my band, Sup Forums

name my band, Sup Forums
we have a preformance at the talent show next month and we need a good name

"progressive" schools are just fag parades/sexually abused children holding

Underage B&

Boys Who Cry

juan and the gay school shooters

The Twitch Raiders

The bulliyng targets

El Chapo and Border Patrol

The Token Mexican

Fags that can't spell good

Disney's Power Rangers

Dubs don't lie OP

El Chapo and the Border Patrol wins

It's not gay if you swallow

Mouthful of awesome

The throbbing masses

The no show tube socks

One coffee and five sugars

Too much dubs for this thread

The fat wall crawlers

Hot Carl and the T-bag all- stars

Fatso & The Twinks

Shitting out gum

The fat felchers.

>Fox Force Six
>Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran Duran
>The Choice for You
>A View To A Kill
>Guess What I'm Listening To
>The Living Daylights
>The Button Up Bros
>Six Sleek Skirts
>Trouble Times Six
>Fatso and the Faggy Cats
>Six Men No Father
take your pick guys you can get as creative as you want
>Leave them Boys Alone
>Six Junior Williams
I can keep going

Faggy Fag and the Homo bunch.

Curry Tub Taj & The Rainbow Riding K-Mart Boyz

If you want something edgy, try either:
"Bombs & Roses" or something a little bit different, try "The Rolling Stones"
Other than that you could call yourself "The Four Legged Clover" if you want something more bizarre

8 eyebrows

downie and the autists

>Mudhound Gang
>Doodie and the shit fish
>Bobby and the Bobettes
>Suburb-anites Six
>Little Ricky and the Lucys
>Six Shillings to Ride

Boys II Rapists

Fat Ali and the school shooters


Future Pimps of America


Rezwan and the regects

mrs krabappol's cucks

The A/V Club
Punjab and the Pussies
Trevor and the Tryhards
The Over-Confident Crew

>Ting Tang and the Walla Walla Bing Bangs

I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.

Untucked shirts

Pup Tent Slurpers

have some fur anons.

Batman says . . . Feminine Penis

The Dropping Balls

GREASE! not the musical the hair.

Reject Rainbow


Future Faggots of America


The Six Shirts