Why do people get tattoos?

why do people get tattoos?

attention most of the time

It's the jews' revenge over the holocaust

I dont know OP

why do you suck dick?

tattoo = following trends

It's because all the celebs do it, like if you go way way back, nobody fucked with skin modifications because only "witches" did that shit

To look like a colossal faggot like this kid, with a different design.

underrated post
The only people who get tats are female or gay

Tattoos can be cool as long as you think carefully about what you're getting beforehand and don't go overboard with it like some idiots. I don't have any myself but I've seen some people who looked good with tattoos.

Some mixture of body image issues, shortsightedness, poor taste and childish rebelliousness. Depends

fuck knows op.

>girls with tats
It's like buying a bruised apple, fucking disgusting

no matter how good a girl looks, with tats and/or piercings, I can't find them attractive

Trying to look edgy

Usually one of two things. They're trying to look cool/edgy and be an individual like everyone else, or they're getting something that has meaning to them.

Really you want to say that out loud?
Vikings native Americans Hawaiians whatever they call Alaskans
You sir are retarded

That shits been around since the dawn of man.
You know what else is trendy that you should stop doing? Breathing.

Because they want to look different because they aren't comfortable in their own skin (literally)

Found u George. Sup Forumstard here


>something that has meaning to them
that, in most cases, is still looking for attention, when something has a meaning to you, you tend to remember it anyway.
the few people with "meaningful" tattoes were always very eager to tell everyone what they meant. If you didn't ask, they found a way to tell you anyway


Nice one kiddo.

fucking roasted

low IQ (but this may be a drunk stupidity moment)
low self respect
low self esteem
needs attention

Tattoos... Allowing hacks to draw cartoons on you. To make yourself a cartoon-displaying sheep.

That's not true. I don't say shit about my tattoos unless someone specifically asks about them.
If you're an attention whore. You'll be one regardless if you have tattoos or not.

shortsightedness mostly

I've got a couple and they always mean something to me. I don't talk about them unless someone asks though.

Chill out brah


people don't understand how true this is

Because they are incredibly stupid

Hey, I am not saying that'S the case for everyone, and I guess generalising was wrong there, but that's what I experienced

trips of truth

I made about 7k dollars last month doing tats.
Fuck you normal job having bastards.

same goes for you, sorry for generalisig, that was wrong, it's just my personal statistic with this so far has been 3/3

True. Keep in mind alot of people that have tattoos that you don't see and they don't bring it up. There's just alot of attention whores out there.

Nah, that's just obnoxious people. Although I will admit, there's a huge overlap in obnoxious people and people with tattoos. Usually people wind up asking me about mine. Sometimes the conversation just drifts that way because of people see them. You probably just notice the more attention-seeking people more. Because they're seeking attention. And you're giving it to them. Maybe I'm just an oddball that's quiet and has tattoos.

Cultural and memorial pieces. A lot of fags on here with unwarranted hate for ink. Also the fact it's associated with being "poor" shows there's little to no knowledge of how expensive and time consuming it is.

Lil advice, prejudging people in life absolutely never works no matter what. Friendly reminder from a guy who got many troubles because of prejudging.

trying to get closer to anime

that is a shit tattoo.

Low intellect letting an affinity for symbolism smother the better reasons not to get one.
Seriously, years ago I started using that as an immediate way to judge someone's quality -- if someone has a tattoo he/she makes poor decisions in life. Simple as that.

Because it's fashionable, they are insecure and need to "belong"

Well if you see this Guy trying to be an attention whore just make fun of him and tell him it's not right to be like that. Then laugh with him and that's it.

yeah, that's the problem with Sup Forums and the internet in general, I don't do that in real life, but what consequences do I have to fear here?
It's not even that I hate people with tattoes, I know some very nice people with them, but when it comes to the tattoes, they almost always make a big deal out of it, which I just can't really understand, doesn't mean they're bad people or anything though.
Again, sorry for being a judgemental dick. I know, this is Sup Forums and everyone here is edgy and I look like an Idiot now, but meh, better than a dick, I guess

>implying that wanting attention isn't a core human trait, and that there's something wrong with seeking it

Kek. Just dodge that AIDS

I get tattoos to mark my body with things that mean something to me...knotwork, spirals, stags, circuits, so on and so forth.
Too many people these days are getting shitty, meaningless crap tattooed on themselves in some desperate attempt to look like something they`re not. I don`t understand it.

IDK, But Tattoos are WAY more common in Prison. What does that mean?

question: am i cooler now for not having tats?

i can put on my weed socks and my "high" from san diego shirt but i can also take it off when i decide i wanna change... cant do that with tats lol

>Implying that it's not something we should strive to stop, and be better without it.

Its also very common in the military.
What does that mean?

You sound like a real faglord.

They are generally associated with degenerates, deplorable, poor, criminals, sluts, unemployed, and faggots like the kid in the pic that thinks it makes him look like a bad boy tough guy. Most people with tats are cowards


people who kill others get tattoed the most?


All associated with failure, bad judgement and over all bad decisions

It's ok, you will get better. Hang in there.


WRONG. They're STEREOTYPES for a reason. You lock your door driving thru the Hood, you know Irish people get drunk, you see Islams kill Christians. Every single person has several judgments on you before you even meet. Whoever says they don't judge people is a liar, it's instinct.

Sage and yo mama has a really nice tattoo on the right buttcheek


Body modification, scarification, and tattoos date back nearly as long as homosapians have existed. Read Ötz. A mummy literally older than time as we know, with all of the things mentioned above.
If you don't understand why someone might get a tattoo, i pity you because you're probably narrow minded and insecure.

some tattoos are actually useful

You sound like a nigger

Most in the West do it to "be special." There are exceptions in the world, like pic related.

No, not necessarilly. Sportists nor actors have actually killed anyone but they are used to get tattoos

i am :(

420 blaze it tho, got a medical card in CA out of state and it was DANK

Citation needed

The way I see it, they are stereotypes for a reason, but you should give everyone the chance to prove whether or not they fit into them.
If it's a negative one that could harm you, keep in mind and be careful, but don't expect them tobe bad people just because most of them are.
(That only goes for individuals, if you want to take in large groups of, let's say refugees, chances are high one or more of them are exactly what the stereotype says they are)

>Most people with tats are cowards

What makes you think that exactly?

That's some poor reasoning, mate. For every neanderthal with neck tattoos you'll find an upright businessman with sleeves under his sleeves. Associate with whomever you like but don't think you're doing it with any semblance of reason.

im sure its different for everyone, but personally i just find the idea of having art permanently written in my skin to be fascinating. im a fan of art in general and tattoos are just another form of it. and the act of getting them itself is fulfilling. its painful, it takes time and money. theres something i like about the idea that you really have to earn this. youre getting these pieces of art on you for the cost of blood. also i just like how it looks of course.

lol some faggot took a time machine from the 50s. those are outdated stereotypes. moving on.



True. But it depends, its not the same to say the Muslims kill christians than to say tattooed people are criminals or something of that kind. I know I would be lying if I said I never believed in a stereotype but to be honest, some of them (as my opinion) are irrational. Also, nice doggo pic

This tattoo makes me sad

have a few. can go one way or the other on more.

i kinda like how it feels till you loose sensation

Everyone has their own reasons. Personally, I'm getting fake stubble tattooed on top of my head, so people can't tell I'm bald.

It's important to get the exact, or at least very similar, tattoos as every other fucking imbecile on the planet, so that you can express your individuality

Take your pick:

- Poor parenting

- Lack of self-esteem

- No critical thinking skills, especially to future events

- Self-absorbed narcissists

- Attention-starved and insecure

- Sheep-like adherence to passing fads

- Lack of artistic ability

- Just fucking dumb

I'm surprised Trump is covered in shitty tattoos. Guess on top of all his sins, he's also a big pussy.

At this moment I feel able to bet that your exgf cucked you with a tattooed and you are just butthurt

some want to be cool

Haha its like you browsing Sup Forums, youre only doing it because i did it before you!

>i'm so fucking edgy
>i'm also underage


and this one is a jenius

They can. They will.


gang tat

Google search 'Cursive G'.


gang tat 2

you sound like a wonderful person to be around

i hate to tell you bro, but i just trolled you nigga


Yeah sure, merely pretending and such.