S/fur electromagnetic eye implants

s/fur electromagnetic eye implants

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>booked solid



ah fuck

especially with all of those fragile people


That looks painful

>so much dick in your schedule you can't fit any more
That's the life to live


It would be a good problem to have to be booked solid in pussy

Can't tell if genuine or not.

>I'm not wanting to cut my dick off. I know that's a really bad idea.
that's not the only thing to watch out for. The male and female brain differ drastically from one another, so hormone therapy may end up having harmful effects on the mind.

If there were no side effects to this stuff, i might support it, especially if it produced good spiritual fruits. As it stands though, it does not produce good fruit and as such should not be something to pursue.

We often post porn.
Let's try posting pictures that can be appreciated for their aesthetics (nudity is fine).
I lack pictures so here is a cobra instead.

Another spinach-stuffed deep dish + blue moon saturday.
Try to contain your jealousy.

Wait now I'm confused.


Here is an example of what i'm looking for:



Giordano's? I might need a container for the rest of my jelly

I'm not really sure what I meant by that. but it must be pretty good to have so much sex in a week that you literally can't fit any more in with your schedule. I also forgot to post my intro


>those flatworms are fascinating!
what species are they?



>fighting a couple tough enemies in a game
>literally sneeze and they both die

No, frozen Edwardo's brand. It's always really tasty and doesn't take 2 hours like Gio's.
Ohh, that's what the "fuck" was.



Yeah, I had realized that I forgot about it and just went right into posting

Hey, if it tastes good, that's the best part. I'm pretty jealous, I had dominos tonight. I don't know if we have that here in Phoenix but if we do, I'll give it a shot.


Is that desire sexual?
I assume it typically is.

Nothing wrong with a place like dominos either. I'm kinda in the "pizza is pizza" camp.
Ya I honestly don't know if it's just local, but it also cooks 100% better than most frozen pizzas in my oven.



these have some nice


i dont know what to do on my computer right now.
so im here now...


A little bit, but I've always had a thing for cute thing. I like girls, and girly things, and cute stuff. I liked trying on my sister's panties and bras when I was young because it made me feel more like a girl. Of course, being an actual girl and having sex would be nice, but I know it's not possible without surgery, which I won't consider.

"Literally the last option" is a feeling I'm quite familiar with.

Yeah, I kinda feel the same way but I like dominos as far as take out or delivery goes. Mostly because they're right down the street.

Shit I don't think I've had a really good frozen pizza in a long time. I'm gonna keep my eyes open for it around here, I'll let you know if I spot it.


Stop talking to the tranny. He does this every fucking day

Perhaps you do have Sexual Dissonance...
Have you consulted a therapist/psychiatrist whom you communicate well with?




having porn is one thing, having something nice to look at is something else.





I have been talking to a therapist, but I haven't mentioned anything about my sexuality yet. I've only recently started talking about considering hrt.



If IRL anthros will exist, this is how they should look like. I'd fuck her right there


This isn't FA.

what is hrt?


got eem


Google is your friend.


I don't browse FA

same my man.
especially if goat.


I feel like I need to scrub my watch history whenever I click one of your youtube links.

You'd fit right in there.


I would advise against hormone replacement therapy.
the repercussions are dire.

Seems like you know more about it than I do



I know, but it's just so tempting. It feels so right. I guess I should give it more thought.



It probably wouldn't be a bad idea

Yes, yes I do.

Sup Forums is such normie garbage now





That's the thing about temptation, if you can resist it your will becomes sturdier. Like tempered steel (get it? temptation, temper?).

I still suggest checking out these testamonies before you decide: sexchangeregret.com

Normie? This seems like a very typically neckbeard-ish chan thing to do



It really is and it makes me mad. Even like 6 years ago this was still a place you didn't really openly talk about. Yes I want this to be a secret club, fucking normies reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Just like cons, lots of people ruin things for the rest of us.

Nah man, typical ones wouldn't dare step out in the light of day to do something like that. Maaaybe they'd be brave enough to call in a pizza.


that's the price to pay for making headlines.
Normies want in on the action and want to belong to something big. Their mistake is that Sup Forums rarely does anything of notoriety.

It's just weird to how like pepe becomes mainstream and everyone applauds it now. Remember when rage comics got big outside of Sup Forums? They instantly became despised around here.

but it's an easy scapegoat

One word:
>A S T H E T I C


what is an easy scapegoat.

also, speaking of goats can i see some goat porn (no under-tale please)




Man I wish I could draw like that



>glorious but lacking that fur appeal.
Less war, more nature.
