This fat shit just launched ANOTHER missile
Tell your family you love them, it's war time

Other urls found in this thread:


After the one that blew up earlier today?

no pls

Is this the same one that fucking failed?

You really think Best Korea is a threat to us? Need to research their equipment better.


Hahaha , that was a real laugh

awww. Look at him in his little glasses. Momma's little dictator! I just want to zerbert his belly.


Getting the feeling that OP is a faggot

Read the yellow news

It's funny because liberal FAGGOTS want to let him keep running his mouth while he threatens us. They're crying because he "might" have nukes capable of reaching USA now, but really it would only reach shitholes in CA if that. And the problem will ONLY get worse with time. We should wipe out NK sooner rather than later with one nuke.


It's "reply or mom dies" post you idiot

It's clear that NK needs to get their leader removed from power. He has absolute disregard for the UN no matter what kind of sanctions they impose on them. Why the UN hasn't kicked them out by now is beyond me. Shows the UN is nothing but pussies.


it's a second one.

>>thinks it doesn't matter if the most populated state gets hit
Fuck man we need you in office

not a faggot, just concerned about world events user


where to are these missiles launching?
and where are they likely to land?

Sea of japan


they're launched at OP's house and will land in his anus

Sauce or its not happening

Nah, Retal on south korea basically precludes open attack by US.


This is a reply to this or mom dies post



Roger that. Over and out.

ITT: faggots don't even read the words in yellow and take this thread seriously good job trolling OP

I can't wait for ww3. BETA UPRISING SOON

US on guarded !!!


most of what we read and see on tv is one-sided pro-Washington slant, at best.

What, this?

Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines

I googled it, that's all I found that seemed relevant.

>not a faggot just a faggot



oh, didn't see that part
people still reply to those things?

Fuck you bitch

Seriously- cease your faggotry.

OP succesfully got you to reply

pee pee

Agreed, the liberal homosexuals need to go back to afganran mexico and take their islam bullshit with them. We already have ONE religion here, that's being a fucking CHRISTIAN, we don't need fake homo worshiping satan loving faggot religions too.

Soon Trump will legalize killing faggots and islamics, then we can start to clean up the liberal bullshit in this nation REAL fast!



Bunch of idiots, you can say you're king of Sup Forums and they'll eat up



Isn't it sad how no one reads pic

When is America finally going to send in a squad to take down NK?


Actually, he cleans up quite well. Way better than most dictators who wear military regalia with comically too much undeserved bling weighing them down. Hell, his tie is even less obscene than most US presidents' ever are.

So appearance-wise, he looks dramatically less crazy than Trump here. Well done Mr. Kim.

just curious bout missiles


It's sad that people forgot about the Blowlinggreen Massacre and how this fat baby leader is already here spreading their islamic bullshit.

yes, it is indeed sad but slightly funny that this thread has turned into a mildly serious discussion about north korea





OP is a fag




Maybe try with the antifa, they'd buy it.


fuck you

Asian Cartman has premature ejaculation problems


easy, it's just a prank Sup Forumsros no need for that language

It won't be a prank when Trump sends your faggot ass back to mexico



as in second launch failure in one day?

shit and we waste so much on missile defense systems kek!

i not messican senor i promise

The only 'trap' here is the one you liberal muslimic faggots have been pulling on this nation.

It WILL be CHRISTIAN again and you will be murdered if you don't go back to mexico!


I don't think I've ever seen Kim in a suit like that. He's usually wearing something from the Hillary collection.

All mexicans are muslimics and they worship the faggot homosexual God of Satan. You'll be sent there faggot, praise Trump or else your soul will perish.

get out of my thread you homophobic Drumpfkin

It's Trump's thread, this is an American website, America is a Christian nation and Trump is the Christian president.

Fuck off libtard.

fuck u and your fascist cheeto king

HA you are jealous that he is a golden God. The Lord Jesus sent him and it's just eating away at you inside and out!

I laugh at your liberal tears you homofag mexican muslimic


You wanna play politics but still believe in imaginary friends? kys.

better yet, just get off of my website loser
we're taking your board over gradually
cuck threads every single day, multiple times day
same with trump hate threads
we're winning accept it




Yup, and it failed. So..


Trump is WINNNNNNNNINNNNNNG and these muslimic faggots can't stand it LOL


Exploded on the air.

It was probably prepared to do so.

Damn fucking right, you catholics, atheists, muslimics, jewbags, seventh day wannabe's, pagans, mormans, all of you worship that faggot loving satan and can't stand that Trump is bring Christianity back to the Caucasian House!


Replying because I read the yellow line


you have most of these autistic faggots in here beat then, good job user

