Its been awhile since the last time i did this thread. i hope everyone enjoys this epic old bawwwww thread...

its been awhile since the last time i did this thread. i hope everyone enjoys this epic old bawwwww thread. love you Sup Forums. you are Sup Forumseautifu; no matter how ugly you think you are.

Other urls found in this thread:







bear with me
no Sup Forums pass

almost there.

stay awhile user. you've earned it.


one more.

thanks for lurking. hope this bread goes for awhile. i miss this place. im an old man now; who works his ass off to feed his family. this place got me through a lot of hard times. so, thanks Sup Forums.

That ending brings me nostalgia for something I didn't even realize was significant. I've seen a few threads closed off a la cowboy bebop, even done it myself once. Didn't realize it was really a thing. Just thought it was coincidence.

i hope this place gets many others through the shitstorm of life. that's all i got for now. thanks for listening.

yeah i posted this probably....2011-12. right before i moved from my hometown. hope you keep it fam. i lost it but found somebody posted it on imgur this week while i was browsing the web at work.

doesnt seem like its gonna make a lot of traction tonight. that's okay. i just wanted to reminisce.

You want to reminisce about something that isn't even gone and arguably never existed in the first place?

anyone else got good bawwwssss?

its certainly not what it was.

honestly i just miss being able to sit behind my keyboard like an idiot and do nothing. kind of more of missing the old days. you'll see.

Maybe you're just looking in the wrong places. I just had one of the highlights of my entire time on Sup Forums less than a month ago, and I've been here since 08. Sup Forums is a bit different, yes, but I don't think it's qualitatively worse per se.

dont have the time anymore man. just a rare occasion.

and not worse either. always good stuff when i come on. not saying its bad. ive just changed. i dont enjoy it the way i used to. the rules change.


404 pls