Sup Forums I just got my first speeding ticket...

Sup Forums I just got my first speeding ticket. I was doing 74 in a 55 which is thankfully one mile under reckless in Virginia. It's $175 but after insurance premium increases its probably more like $350+ in the long run. Has any user successfully fought a ticket in court, and if so, how?

Tits in exchange for facts

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Go to court and request supervision. Make sure to get proof of supervision (copy of the disposition should show a supervision/suspension of conviction) because companies like State Farm use their own vehicle report system that will show traffic violations regardless of conviction.

Legally they cannot use the ticket against your insurance rates unless you have been found guilty.


Aspiring legalfag here. Just appearing in court a lot of times can have the ticket thrown out. If the cop skips court, then the ticket is thrown out. Also you can look for small mistakes on the officers report such as mistake in vehicle descriptions or ID. If you don't know what to look for, try to get an attorney to do it pro bono. If not, just pay the guy whatever he asks. 100-150 dollars is better than $300. 90% of the time the ticket has a mistake that can get it thrown out.

Show up to fight it. They'll always have u take a guilty plea to a fine with no points


Side note: Is most likely varies state to state


OP here, Virginia does not formally have a supervision program. From what I've read judges don't have discretion to reduce demerits either (however I have "safe driving" points accumulated to offset these anyway). I'm thinking my best bet is to hope for it to be thrown out.

The only possible mistake I see is that that the cop listed it as a two door when the registration lists it as a two door hatchback. Useful?

20 over is reckless? shit. id be done.

the only time i even got threatened with that was when i got caught doing 105 in a 45. then the cop said he didn't have the heart to do that and let me go without even a warning.
i was trying to get home to my drugs.

another time i just got a regular ticket for 148 in a 70.



but unless you pissed off the cop he's probably not going to show up.


VA is brutal. Anything over 80 is automatic reckless even if that's the speed limit. NC is even worse with 15 over being reckless.


whats your insurance like?
i got one ticket for going 10 over like 7 years ago and the insurance is still bitching about it
im getting quite sick of it

beats the hell out of me, i wasn't paying for it. but i don't imagine one speeding ticket every few years did a whole awful lot; zero accidents or offenses other than speeding

In VA there's not much reason to go to court. In Maryland it'll keep you from getting points but they use a different point system in VA. How long have you had your license? You accrue negative points in VA for every year you don't have an infraction. Chances are very good if you've had your license for a year or two that it's not going to impact your insurance too much.

I have four negative points and this is four points. I assume that my company (Geico) is still going to count this against me in some way, right?

And isn't there a chance the judge will show mercy? It's my first offense, and I'm white.

Being in the Hampton Roads area, I've received 2 tickets in the last 5 years and even though I had corroborate the justification of my actions, the Commonwealth always wins in the end

Got the ticket in Yorktown (don't live there though). Might just pay the fucking thing after a consultation with a lawyer.

Lucky you didn't do reckless, some writer on jalopnik got sent to jail for 3 days for that

Cars are the petroleum Jew.

Use public transportation if you can or use Uber or Lyft or some shit like that.