I am from the year 2056

I am from the year 2056
ask me anything

Can you share some your makeup tips? Your look is so natural!

This picture is in fact not me, its just a random image from your era.

When does WW3 start?

Maybe this invention takes off

Please provide a detailed scientifically accurate explanation of how time travel is possible and post technical diagrams of the technology you used to achieve this feat.

Also... Is this really how she looks in the future?

Can you share some of the guy from that random image's makeup tips? His look is so natural!

Did I died?

There is no WW3 but there is a big shift in geopolitics resulting in technological/intellectual revolutions. There are a great many proxy wars and the resulting conflict causes governments to lose face and collapse with a new civic mindset based on freeflow of information

3 world war ? its the end ?

The last thing I would expect from the brother of Paul.

Have the greatest minds of your era managed to disprove that the Earth is in fact flat?

I am not actually in your time but merely interacting with the fibre optic and copper cable lines that exist in your time and still exist in mine.

A stand-up sun tan booth?

Do you know this man?

Did New York & Rome get nuke'd?

Give me the list of all the US presidents from 2017 to 2056

Did trump no fuck up.

Time traveling stand up suntan booth.

You go in and you teleport into to the future after 20 min

I dont understand this statement really but the earth is round.

People of African descent are pretty rare where I am from

No but both cities suffered major attacks from islamic fundamentalists of your time.

is AI a thing? or just fast computers?

Hello Mr. Titor

Did we successfully take back our homeland, Kekistan

What year is it?

Are penis transplants a thing?
How much do they cost?

t. small-dicked asian

Know them?

the list stops soon after Donald J. Trumps terms

AI is most definitely a thing. In fact complete sensory augmented reality is what we use daily. What you would call movies and music are nothing like they were in your era. Its a complete sensory experience and sometimes interactive. You can look and be whoever you want to be just apply skins.

Am I still alive?

Pls say no.

human organ and tissue growth are commonplace
its not uncommon for someone to undertake gene therapy, stem cell treatment or even replacing parts altogether

all medical care is free in my city

Situation with North America and the rest of the world.

Oh my god................. that's HIM!!!!!!!!

What happened to North Korea?
Is it still Gommunist?


Who wins the coming race war/ww3?

If you are posting this being on your own timeline how does this affect to your present?

Do a google search and take a screenshot to prove it

He must already be completly fucked

If you are using the Internet of our era, How can we use the Internet from your era?

How old is your mother in 2017? Is she legal already?


We have know extraterrestrials exist, but we have yet to have any physical contact

after the techno-intellectual revolutions there was a great split in what was once known as the united states. Some of it was based on racial or civic nationalism, other times it was based on who controlled what resource. The powers that once ruled over the united states both monetarily and governmentally fought hard and still hasnt lost complete power in the south eastern united states. The country is divided into enormous mega cities with interconnecting networks of magrail trains. between the cities there are still people who live outside the rule of law and are usually roving bands of people who just dont want to live among our new society or farmers who live a simple life. I live in the south western area of what was once the united states. All information is open source and shared with each mega city. Everyone is required to learn coding and 3D printing engineering as well as military service. Machines and robots do all of the farming and we are left to pursue intellectual and physical tasks.

If you scream really loud in my ass how fast does it go in the future?


have all the hipster faggots been drawn & quartered?

You have lost my interest.

Imaginary political situations, plus no extraterrestrial contact is no good. The future looks bleak. Looks like the perfect time to kms.

Go to sleep dexter

What was once north korea has been absorbed into the republic of china.

as far as race goes the south western united states is integrated. There are parts around that allow people of european heritage. Africa is a shithole as it has always been it is basically a no go zone with zero government authority aside from the north. The middle east only has a few mega cities, mostly due to the proxy wars around your time there arent densely populated areas. Europe had a serious problem with their population being replaced by people from the war torn areas now the mega cities there are ruled under a coalition of very militarized government.

by sending information and binary codes through vibrations and electrical impulses.

Bro how much time do you have on your hands to come up with this bs?

Can you use this to stop someone to exist?

What is the most advanced weapon you know of in your time?

What role do the arts play in your time? With technology being so advanced, are traditional artists (painters, poets/authors, stage-actors, classical musicians) valued at all?

We use complete augmented reality there is no way to screen shot or use your technology to send information back to my era as far as I know

She hasnt been born yet in fact

I dont know what hipster Is but we dont execute people we simply banish them from our societies and cities.


yes people are killed this way by persuading people of your era to kill others or basically change things through their influence

is all of humanity developed a extra chromosome or is it just you?

How is it BS when he is from the future? Read and take in.

this is what a hipster is

pic related

Are you familiar with the movie Looper (2012)? I know this plays out in ~2070, but do you send criminals back from 2056 to 2017 only to have them executed here, in our time? Thanks.

for common people caseless magnetic firearms and low frequency sound non lethal weapons

militarily the nuclear weapons still have the most destructive potential

Its common for people to pursue classical types of art forms. Its quite respected and people do anything from analog based painting and music to old fashioned digital technology in 2D. People have hobbies such as restoring petrol chemical operated vehicles and old junk from the past. But the most valued art comes in the form of augmented reality innovations and new 3D printing schematics.

Fashion is basically nonexistent as you can "wear" anything you want in the augmented reality, people commonly take on animal skins line scales or change their hair color like the man in the picture but its all done in virtually.

What's the furthest manned spaceflight mission in your time?

What happened with the Trump's wall?

Can you post a picture of your era?

What kind of foods are popular in your time?

Which year were you born?

How is gaming, hardware, and technology like?

Did virtual reality succeed?

yay!!!!! sounds like the hipster douchebagrisim is gone...lol

Can you explain this "augmented reality" shit?

The moon

Trumps wall still stands but really its obsolete as the borders arent truly agreed upon and what was once mexico people are living like old fashioned farmers and herders from the 18th century but with militias of people to protect them.

THATS IT FOR NOW! Ill try and contact your era in exactly 2 days and 2 minutes your time

Is Sup Forums and Sup Forums still alive in your era?

Whoa--did you say 'terms' as in plural?

When the fuck?

Basically we are all plugged in with electrodes that connect transdermally, optically and nuerologically. We see a world that doesnt exist truly, for example our cities are bland grey blocks, but with augmented reality its full of color and peoples outfits are replaced by their chosen skin identity. Music is experienced with vibrations to your skull and skin along with a full experience happening around you. People dont really leave their dwellings as anyone can be with anyone at anytime virtually

Yes and its experienced in full sensory Augmented Reality with smells and everything its awful


ok thats it be sure and be back here in 2 days.

Like in The Matrix?



No the greatest minds of the fucking renaissance proved that shit you moron

Great another cringe thread

I don't know what matrix is.

My mother beats me & my father is a drug addict.