Most perverted fucked up sex shit you ever did

Most perverted fucked up sex shit you ever did

>ate my own cum from her pussy

I scratched a girls pussy, blood everywhere. Still went down

One time I brushed against a girl's arm.

Hawthorn cemetery.

i wish to extend my apology to the family of whoever was buried where we were doing it.

you're goin' to hell for that, user!

Pfff, everyone with a woman did that, nigga.

The most fucked up perverted shit I did was eat my boss's shit.

10/10 boss took a dump in our restaurant.

I know the garbage was empty, because I just cleaned it.

she had taken a shit, and i smelled her perfume.

She had wiped her ass and put the toilet paper in the garbage. I took it home, fapped to it furiously and then started licking and eating it.

10/10 would do again.

Convinced a girl I loved her and couldn't wait to spend all my days with her. Fell in love and then fucked. I was keking my dick off for years as she embraced me.

That's not even all that bad...

I had an escort let me eat her asshole out, I tasted something sweet and tangy... get me hard thinking about it.
She let me throat fuck the shit out of her right after.

I also slept with a 60yr old porstitue, he talked so fucking dirty to me while she teased my asshole, and I jerked myself off... oddly enough she let me skull fuck her too...

Not gonna lie best fuck of my life...

I almost puked, user

>put the toilet paper in the garbage
>toilet paper


That's ok, they'll get you eventually

came to a video of a girl getting shot in the face and falling lifelessly to the ground. thats pretty fucked up

ITT: edgy shut-in fantasists

I did anal with my ex one time and when I pulled out, it was covered in shit and cum. When I say covered in shit and cum I mean there was half a inch of shit and cum caked from the tip to an inch from the base. The smell was God awful and I wanted to yak so bad but she was embarrassed and I sacked it up and said it was ok. Was in the shower for half an hour trying to get the smell off but it still lingered after the shower.

Fed my dick to insects multiple times

I know, bro. I thought it was fucked up too. I mean, wtf. Who throws toilet paper in the garbage? Apparently this bitch did.

i fucked a 12 y/o and she was screaming so i crushed her pussy with cinder block 10/10 not even joking

>had a series of bad relationships and was single again
>pick up a girl at a bar
>take her to a motel
>go long on the foreplay
>she starts begging for the D
>I suddenly leave
Later find out that I had become "THE MAN" and created a local legend. Some how they think it is hard to NOT fuck the bitch after you go that far, I was just doing it to be an asshole. I guess it is a way to fuck over a cunt when the whole bitch is a cunt.
I've picked up bar sluts and done this 3 more times since... it is actually very satisfying.
Damn my life is messed up.

too real

Lol, Ethan?

>Be me
>Have an 11 year relationship
>Not sure my wife wants me touch her anymore
>Touch her any way,

pick up street whores for the express purpose of trying to knock them up

That's just marriage. I do that shit all the time. If she wants me to stop just fuck me more than once a month. Otherwise keep pretending you're asleep. It's happening.


I remember the name on the tombstone tho


Ate her pussy during her period

I sticked my weiner into the punani of my gf and it was all wet and slicky and then my weiner puked.

I never ate my own cum. you are a special flower

Shot my load into my own mouth multiple times. Only once have I ever been able to slurp it out of my hands.

This is how mine happened:

>Be going out with perfect 10.
>Finally do the naughty
>Be eating girl out.
>End up fucking her.
>She's on the pill, meaning I can cum inside.
>Cum dripping from her perfect 10/10 pussy.
>She starts sucking my dick again to the point where I'm horny again
>Not sure when I'll get the chance to fuck her again
>Eat her out to get her horny again
>Lick my cum without even caring that it's there, the pussy basically cancels it out.
>Then fuck and cum inside her and fill her back up with a new batch of cum again.

Not sure which is worse

>fucked a drink chick, she passed out, kept fucking, recorded it
>gf worked in a retirement home, fucked her in an old ladies bed while old lady went to breakfast
>fucked same gf in the water at the beach, kids and shit swimming 5feet from us
>shoved an artillery shell up a girls ass
>dragged a drunk girl out of my house bc she started having as seizure during foreplay
>fucked my ex gfs mom while we were dating
>told a homeless lady if she gave me head off make her a sammich and give her a drink... Gave her a cracker sammich from a lanchable and a half empty Capri Sun
>fucked a fat girl in a pitch black room...left to GET A DRINK...sent friend back in instead
>girl invited me to a party, fucked girl on her bed, her best friend was passed out on the floor, girl on the bed woke up to me crowbaring her friend in the ass

Which is worse/b/?

Scary. You sick fuck. If I were her dad, I would cut you up for bait.

Heat of passion -- gets a pass.

one time i did it with this cute asian girl
>10/10 perfect loli bod
>skinny but the ass was noice and she had perfect hips
>didn't really plan it, i was just gonna hold her to sleep but we started kissing and she was like "fuck me daddy"
>ended up choking her while i smashed and she kept saying harder
>well it was more like "hxdsfrrrderhhhhh"
>red in the face, tearing up
>also forced her head so far on my dick she was struggling
good times, she broke my heart in the end though

Let an ex shit on me, puked from the stench it was fucking vile

This is a drunk guy typing gross imagery

are you korean or something wtf who puts toilet paper in the garbage

Fucked 2 girls right after one another without them knowing and made the second girl suck my dick with the first girls pussyjuice still fresh on my dick

sorry i done goofed i meant to reply to the guy you replied to i'm just gonna kms now

I.... I thought I was the only one. You two anons made my day.

>ex goes on night out and comes to my house to sleep afterwards
>throws up in pan
>goes home
>i use it as lube to wank myself off
>was good shit

Fucked a negress once. As soon as my dick was inside her she told me I was her slave and started calling me massa. So I roughed her up a little bit and she kept calling me massa and crying. Then she came so hard she squirted all over my bed. It was so bizarre I never talked to her again, but I find myself still fapping to the memory of it for some reason.

Was it vile and disgusting?

Pissed in a girls asshole made her hold it in so i could drink my piss from her asshole. I would do it again.

While in the Philippines I had sex with three very young girls. I wanted to know what it was like. It was a Pandora's box tho because that feeling of release us all I think about and regular sex doesn't cut it the same way.

lol,hey,checked it off the bucket list tho

I don't know man. She was all out American.

I think she got off to the fact that her underlings would have to carry and haul her shit around. ? Idk.

Had a jack off contest with a buddy to see how many orgasms in a row before going limp. I had 3 and I think he did 4. By the third time I was basically drained and it was work to get it. He kept pumping it out like a champ. I believe his first shot past his face onto the window curtains behind us.

Fucked multiple girls on their periods. It doesn't feel quite the same. Less lubrication, kind of like using spit instead of lube jacking off, but not as bad.

Did anal once with a LTG (pic related) and almost gagged from the smell after. Never again.

I was the bottom for a t-girl bareback gangbang. I had so much cum shot in my ass and down my throat. Not one of them was less than 8 inches. The biggest must have been at least 10 inches. I loved every last minute of it

>shoved an artillery shell up a girls ass

Told an 18 year old hs student I was 22(I was actually 35, I've always looked young). Her father was a hs teacher where she went and she was popular, she snuck out of her house and I railed that pussy, right as I came all over her face I said "God my 35 year old cock loves high school whores".

She gasped right when I blew my load. The look and resounding shock was priceless.

greentext artillery shell story user

i fucked a girl while er best friend was sleeping about 3 feet away and then left the used condom in her father's sock drawer.

we were both 14

Watched my gf get fucked by and suck off our dog. I am a dogcuck

it was about twenty-two years ago. they are sure taking their time.

lick my ex's asshole, he was really into that but not me, i always did it half assed (pun not intended) and he'd talk me into putting his finger up his ass.Absolutely disliked the sex times

sometimes i do if i think im gonna clog the toilet.

tits or gtfo
unless you're a fag, then kill yourself


pretty hot, actually

stick my tongue in her pooper. the taste buds will never be the same again

i like sticking it in girls when their passed out

You'll never know

mmm I want to eat my gf's just tried my own so far


Paid a 44 year old prostitute to jack me off last night

First prostitute

>still indifferent

I'll edge myself with my shit next to me in bed and get it closer and closer to my mouth. sometimes I'm not so lucky and I get so horny when as I'm about to cum that I start chewing it. immediately disgusted after I cum. Sometimes I'm lucky and hold myself off. dont put it in my mouth and just cum

I once ate my neighbors shit out of the toilet. Its a dirty secret fetish I have. I still get hard thinking about it.

I'm a loser when it comes to women and I'm still kissless at 22. Every other aspect of my life is fine. I'm just going to tell the most fucked up stuff I've been at least somewhat involved in.

>Be chubby nerd virgin
>For some reason I'm part of the chad clique at college
>I've desperately been trying to find out what their ulterior motive is all these years but I honestly can't find one and they actually treat me great so I stopped looking
>Maybe they just like hanging out with me, I dunno
>At party with chad bros
>They're picking up pussy left and right
>They try to hook me up with chicks but between them not being very willing and me spilling spaghetti everywhere it falls through yet again
>Sitting on a couch drinking beer with two of them telling me that it's cool and trying to give me tips
>All of the sudden, dude screaming
>People notice and look worried but nobody wants to go check it out so they just continue doing whatever the fuck they were doing
>Fuck it
>I might be kinda fat but still a big guy (for you) and make a good lineman in handegg, so me and the built rugby-playing chad bro next to me get up and go check shit out
>Scream came from a bedroom
>Hear soft crying
>Still just soft crying
>Alright, something's up
>"Hey, we're opening the door"

>Itty bitty super short and lithe as fuck chick sitting in the corner crying with a half-gaping mouth holding her chin
>This one otherwise normal looking dude sitting on the bed and coaxing his retardo-huge dong that looked almost comically large with a pained expression
>Dude's dick is all cut and scraped

Little chick tried to take the whole thing in her mouth and it was just too much. The muscles under her chin cramped (I've actually had that happen to me when yawning); it hurts like absolute fuck when that happens. Cramp causes the mouth to seize in a half-open position so she bit down uncontrollably, and in her pain tried to hastily get the dick out of her mouth which made things worse for the guy.

> pick up gf from airport
> reunuion fuck, incredible load delivered deep inside (she can't conceive)
> wife calls, come home now, urgent
> no time to shower
> deal with dead relative emo crisis
> fuck wife for emo support
> gf calls, urgent, get down here
> no time to shower
> emo crisis about me running home to wife
> fuck gf again for emo support
> wife calls, please come home to hold me
> argue with gf, don't shower
> fuck wife again.
That day my cock was double basted in two flavours of pussy sauce.

Nice dubs and imagine being a 60year old porstitue

I once had my step cousin take a big green shit into a bowl. I put it in a blender and had her pee in it then blended it and drank it with a straw.

Pretty mellow but had unprotected sex with a junkie ho while her boyfriend was ODing in a bathroom. Decease free thank jesus

Fucked 3 friends of my younger sister. Will post stories if interested.

me in pic

Vidya please

Fucked two of my cousins (who are sisters) and eventually had a threesome with them.

I raped my dying mother in law who was in a coma due to a brain tumor.

its on a paysite only, though I have the file.



Sure you did.

Every once in a while when I was around 9-10-11, my stepdad would make me suck his dick.
He'd usually be drunk, and I'd usually heard crying from another room in the house prior to him coming in. His dick usually tasted really gross. The first time, tho, he woke me up to having his kind of huge dick in my ass. I pretended to sleep, but I think he knew.
Later, when my mom got divorced I found out he had been giving her a choice:
Taste your son's ass on my dick, or let me fuck your ass. When he had come to her after fucking me the first time, she always gave him anal, But she didn't know he made me clean his dick with my mouth later.

what the fuck is wrong with your mom, why did she not break with him?

It's quite normal, actually. Statistically that is.

That's a hot story

>what the fuck is wrong with your mom

my mom wouldn't leave my abusive dad either
i wasn't sexually abused, but beaten and humiliated
it's that the mom is so scared to be alone that the abuse is the better option for her

Not really that bad i guess but I take pictures of all my friends and my wifes friends secretly and jack off to them later. Ive even went as far as to borrowing a friends phone and stealing their girlfriends nudes before.

>be me 14 years old virgin
>drunk fat chick at party is kissing everyone
>I'm in
>take girl to dark bedroom
>start putting my fingers in general pussy area
>feel some stuff on my fingers
>oh my God she's so drunk she's shit herself I can't fuck her
>put my dick in her mouth instead
Come out of room pulling pants up friend says "shame on you"
>same friend hooks up with her hours later with shitty pants and my come in her mouth
>how's my dick taste he gets asked for next 10 years
I will never know if she shat her pants and had shit in her pussy or if I just missed her pussy and fingered her bum instead.

dressed into women clothing and then fucked my ass with a dildo then came on my face.

That's why you keep it out of the stink user

Was in college at the time,19. Was at work bs work study shit. Anyways Mexican slut I knew was dtf, was horny so we fucked in the back of the library. Couldn't finish. Had her drop me off at my gf who's now my wife at the time. Made wife blow me.
Mfw she told me my dick smelled like pussy and I needed l a shower because we fucked 2 days ago.

Threw a few snapchats of this thot I fucked for no reason at all.

Um, wut?

Actually the most fucked up thing I did was make up that disgusting story and fap to your replies.

Dude, was your wiener ok?

I also never ate my own cum. Sounds gay to me dude.

let two guys cum on my tits for some weed and didn't clean it off good and went to class. Could smell the cum all day.

I'm black so nothing too gross. Never ate my own cum or period blood. Creampied girls on their period plenty of times. Ran a train on a 10/10 white chick with my friend...went raw dog. Will green text if want

How much?

You are fucked.