It's happening

It's happening.




That was fast

Obviously fake: there is no such thing as "rape", science has proven it.

There was a thread earlier today

what was user?
also chekd

archive link?

>posting on the internet instead of calling the police
no one is this retarded.

tyler miler's fb

evidence is that op delivered

If at least one of them has an orgasm, is it really rape?

Check catalog might still be up

Oh sure! What should he tell the police then, smart ass? "There's some sissy boy being raped live on Sup Forums a few minutes ago"?

he has nothing to go on, you moron.

>uh... police? Yeah, there was a thread on Sup Forums, you should check it out... bye.

>this person is being raped right now
>better post on facebook instead of calling the cops


Post more ;)

just came in, can anyone summarize what's up?

Much gayness

pic related was OP

aka rapist


Well you done fucked up user, might as well actually rape them.

oh was it the sleeping sister thread?

If that's auto-correct for sissy, then yes.

No. It was the "my friends left that random sissy boy here after our party... 69 decides" thread.

Raping children is my hobby
Then I kill them


cool story brother



Someone fill me in. She underage?

realy niga



draw him a dick in the face

from old thread, nice b8

Is there more?

Good luck in jail, OP

anyone got screencaps or archive?

>probably OP has a party with is friends on his house
>sissy boi passes out on OPs house
>OP took pics and posted it on Sup Forums
>sissy is so drunk that he didn't woke up even if OP shook him
>OP puts his dick in his sissy mouth
its the sissy's fault he got the dick on his mouth, even he liked it though. OP could've fucked him in the ass like user wants but he didn't so no rape.
Lesson: dont get pass out on somebody's house

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu why do all the cool things happen when i leave for a minute

Some faggot did a roll thread where he would do with sissy boy what was requested if trips and trips got stick your dick in his mouth. He then posted desu pic after 50 minutes.

the only thing i've got

isnt that a girl?

i was on the thread OP didn't harmed him in any way.

inb4 this gets deleted

a faggy boy

>nintendo switch

Nintendo Switch!

Fucking normie faggs, I'm trying to jerk off here, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


What the fuck did some lg/b/t tard get on that thread? They need to stay off Sup Forums if they can't handle it Jesus fuck

He betrayed the trips and quads he deserves this

The question here is: why OP left the thread suddenly? Obviously because he noticed the boy was so drunk he would never wake up, even if he get fucked in the ass. Then... Make your conclusions. What's happening now at OP's house?

... is that a nin.switch? I'm really enjoying Zelda at the moment. Finally it's good again.
NB: lackluster ending :(

This post again?
Guys, why???

My bet is that it was his gf.
This whole thing was scripted so Sup Forums would get some kicks, but now OP's gf is on someone else's facebook "getting raped"

edge lord


nah, OP wouldn't smash dat boipucci even though he can because he's too scared (maybe his 1st time) or felt some pity towards the boy.

fucking kek

Op is bullshit and this set is from another shit...

first why dafak would be there a girly boy at op's party? ALONE? left there sleeping like "heh nothing is gonna happen"

why do his friends and OP get along with a girly boy? are they faggots?

>do u need a better sherlock holmes than this?

where is the 69?

It's a full grown faggot who at one point was quite voluntarily sucking OP's cock.


Remember when this shit wasn't as obvious and there was only 1 stupid tab open. Now it's overkill.

ending is decent especially considering its a Zelda game, a franchise known for shitty endings
final boss segment is a bit lack luster though

god damn new fags, look at the image a little closer you derp.


i am ... hurt 2 the coooore

feminine penis boipucci

I got baited
I fucked up man im just tired I swear it upon the triforce

▲ ▲

>Prostate massager
>acne removal surgery

don't know if trolling or normie fuckboy, im not even gonna acknowledge that other lame shit.

>not recognizing the good ol' fbi troll
>calling others normies and reeing
jesus newfag you really are trying to fit in

>doesnt even have the tab to this thread up there
good job, faggot.


>Acne removal and prostate massage.

>no extensions


Just stop.

That picture can really drive a wedge in your mental stability jesus christ.

so i've just leaarnt the format's changed
that's playing dirty


Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Dude.


dead threat
call spiderman

Lurk moar...

was their any other pictures?

Eat my ass and lick on my balls fags

post more





is this really a boy

Welp fellas I woke him up and let me tell ya I slayed that boipucci real nice and good


little spoon him dude...

lul what did he say

Wait i saw a pic of this girl this morning and some faggot saying he was gonna rape her. Something about her friends left her at his house or someshit.

Rape. Little faggot ain't even resisting.