Hey /b, my boyfriend was convinced that I've done porn because he saw something here...

Hey /b, my boyfriend was convinced that I've done porn because he saw something here, just trying to figure out what video he saw. Please link me to the video. Here is my selfie. Please help.

Other urls found in this thread:


tits or gtfo

This is rules.
Dont forget the timestamp

Here are my tattoos, I'm guessing doppleganger hoe has tattoos as well

stop jacking off on cams you slut!

And now I'm really interested in who this doppleganger is...

I have a full sleeve on right arm, back tattooo on left side as well as tattoos on both thighs and one on my ass. Any ideas are appreciated. The video was probably viewed in December.

legitimate response without her posting tits?
wtf Sup Forums what is happening to you, you used to be cool man

ey show them big tiddies

hm i cant think of a porn star that has tattoos like that and a face similar to yours.
what kind of porn was it? hardcore or just nude modeling?

Not a legitimate hoe, hence why I'm offended by the fact I'm accused of being in porn. Just hoping someone knows what video I'm accused of being a part of. Will post tits with legitimate response.

You know what the rules are.

Not sure, all I know was it was something posted here. Should have made this post when the incident occurred. My bad.

>Will post tits with legitimate response.
oh fugg this just got serious

well your face looks a bit like anna speckhart who has done some topless modelling, but your tatts dont fit that

tits or gtfo


I really am truly sorry but there are few rules on the Internet that are followed as strictly as
1. Implication that the original poster is female
2. Time stamp
3. Bare breasts

'Tis the law of the land m'lady

Please accept this close up shot of my girlfriends breast as encouragement and a sign of mutual faith.


post more


Sorry not me, no fake tits here. Not to disappoint but I'm a solid B cup

Who cares. Yer BF obviously has trust issues. If you've never been in any porn, then why would you need to see what video he's referring to? Either you have or you have not. If you have not, then tell him to fuck off. If you have then start posting that shit cuz yer cute as fuck.

One tit is all I will give

post them then and you'll get more people helping

>no timestamp
try again OP

BUT op

christy mack maybe...that might be stretching it but your bf might not remember so clearly

Thank you random person, you are absolutely correct and honestly I blocked the whole experience out of my mind because I felt the same way... However I have always felt curious as to who the fuck he was referring to and have wondered why the fuck he doesnt even know what the fuck my tattoos look like after dating for 4 years.

we are going to need a timestamp and a full nude to get interested femanon

>why the fuck he doesnt even know what the fuck my tattoos look like after dating for 4 years.
lol thats harsh

Oh now full nude not just tits? How convenient.

Warmer, warmer. All you need now is a time stamp. If you don't deliver I'm going to assume you're a dude pretending to be a chick, which is pathetic just so you know.

dude who the fuck cares about a time stamp
even if it is a dude it doesnt matter because youre still getting pics
i just want to see both of ops tits so bad fuckk


fucking newfags

we'll take it

Op u come as a totall turn on... Kinda hard to confuse with someone else, even more i fucked u

alright now asshole

when i saw this i vomited in my mouth
>being this newfaggot

check out a porn actress called sheena rose
similar tat, similar facial structure, similar boobs

also cut the guy some slack he probably wasnt looking at the tat in all truthfulness

What? Who gives a fuck about some titty photos? I can search tits on google. I want a timestamp so I can know this chick isn't bullshitting and that this isn't another bullshit boring thread that will lead nowhere.

you're the whore he was talking about all along

fuckkkk please remove envelope fuck man why ddi you guys ask for timestamp if you hadnt we would have seen her pussy you dumb fucks

yea yeah yeah le stupid stubborn faggot bullshit about tits or gtfo I dont give a shit

that better not be you user....

if you arent here for tits then why the fuck are you in the thread????? you just like being in threads where a girl talks about finding a video? wow better make sure this thread is a real girl so that way searching for a fucking porn video is somehow more meaningful!
fuck you dude

>being this newfag
>seriously consider suicide

nice ass tattoo

Alright. Now we're getting somewhere. You are now eligible for our services.

what're you fucking gay?
put your fedora away cucklord

Now we are talking


ive been here longer than you ya dumb faggot
just becuase I dont want to spam a thread with 5000 tits or gtfo posts when it doesnt really matter one bit because its goddamn Sup Forums and all it is is words on a screen anyway jesus fuck fuck you

yeah and i bet youre gonna continue doing nothing becuase Sup Forums is a bunch of useless lazy rejects now

So no one has any ideas? Everything posted thus far has been skrillex haired fake titty bitches. Not impressed.

If you weren't a pornstar vefore, you are now. I never date girls seriously anymore. Everyone is a slut.

I hope you BF breaks up with you. Thot.

Kys faggots

It does make it more meaningful you fucking idiot piece of shit.

tits < tits+timestamp

Do I have to explain why that mathematical statement is true?

100% bullshit
Sup Forums will and always has been more than words on the screen
everyone fucking knows it
only newfags wouldnt know
git gud at damage control cunt

omg dude im trying so hard
btw im the only one thats been doing anything this whole thread

Wow very original. Don't really give two fucks if he breaks up with me or not. If I did I wouldn't be posting here would I?

>le sentimental fap pictures
fuck you ya goddamn faggot
no becuase timestamps are fucking stupid
you dumb fucking niggers always saying can u write happy birfday dequan on tits?
fuck you it alwyas looks like shit and i would rather have plain pictures

user if the pic is you... you know the fucking rules... I swear to the lord above I will spam the fuck out of this thread until there's nothing left

>le sentimental feels pussy bitch

fuck you cunt

I'm on the case motherfucker. Let me smoke my pipe first though.

congratulations. you've now done porn and he is justified.

I do appreciate it for sure, but also hate that I'm being grouped with a bunch of raver hoes... no offense. Like I said before, I should have posted this thread months ago.

Try /r/
Maybe they know

shut the fuck up bitch
ill fap to tits of this girl no matter what i dont give a fuck if theyre time stamped or not

fuck you!

self fulfilling prophecies

are you retarded?
like, do you genuinely have a brain deficiency?
how many people have killed themselves because of Sup Forums
how many people have delivered to dubs threads?
Anonymous was fucking formed in Sup Forums
infact that thread is literally case and point.
fuck off and leave Sup Forums newfag
its failed abortions like you that kill the fun out of everything

well my main its just that peolpe with those kinds of tattoos usually have that kind of hair especially porn stars

but yeah you seem alright not like them

Time stamps are a way of proving that the thread isn't full of shit. That way we aren't wasting our time on something that is bullshit.

wrong guy m80, im on your side

thats the strategy you're gonna use?
its so bad that its not even worth reading your post

>anonymous formed in Sup Forums

how are getting pics to fap to a waste of time godadmnit

ill kill you too bitch im a wild mayne

check out a porn actress called sheena rose
similar tat, similar facial structure, similar boobs

reposting because no response from OP

Hence the reason. You're not girlfriend material. No one will save you. Enjoy your shitty miserable life. Don't waste the poor guys time.

I wouldn't be surprised if your OP is just a bullshit lie for you to get attention.

You're lucky Sup Forums is full of 14 year olds that will pounce at the chance of giving an attention whore like you what she wants.

If me posting one singular tit is now considered "doing porn" then why don't you call every girl in the world right now a porn star. Which I'm sure you already do because you hang on Sup Forums to make people feel like shit about themselves. I didn't see a dick up my ass now did I?

oh and its hard becuase the hot porn stars that look like you dont have tattoos really so this is challenging

OP has posted tits and ass+timestamp
Stop with this autism and fap

wow dude youre so cool and edgy and totally a psycho wow omg
jk fuck off with this cringey shit goddamn
you suck at life

you thing you can stand up to the power of my GET??

White knight.

If it's got a time stamp, it means the owner of the tits is here among us. Meaning what? Come on, think. Yes, we can make requests and they might actually be answered.

im a white knight becuase youre acting like a cringey fedoralord and I call you on it
of course
your writing is bad and you should feel bad
your attempts and trying to be manipulative are laughable

yeah becuase your get aint a shitt

Don't want to be dubbed a pedo, have fun calling every girl you see on the Internet a hoe, I'm sure you'll find a love in all the right places since you spend the majority of your time in front of a computer screen jacking off to pictures of one tit.

Why are you then in a relationship with him if you dont bother?


>MIGHT be answered
>after 30 minutes and 3000 posts and the girl always gets sick of you faggots and leaves

its better to just get pics dude
people always ask for the same things anyway

I'll take the links of the hot ones with no tattoos

off by one :(
but this is when I ASCEND

How would you feel if your boyfriend would receive a picture of boobs from another girl?
Well at least he didn't uploaded a picture naked on an image board...

not paticular a "star", but definietely a slut and yes, almost every woman is because of that in my eyes a slut. welcome to the world

honestly at this point i deserve to get killed by you