New Celeb Thread!

New Celeb Thread!

Fuck off

I'll jump in here.




uh ok.


>best celeb




fuggin Normies.


footfag go away.


I know all about jodelle u neckbeard, she's just ugly srry

implantfag go away.





True. She's just a rack.

theres still dozens of celebs way hotter than taylor swift.


thanks for confirming you have shit taste.


you have a right to your opinion user, even if it's a shitty one :)

thanks for confirming you're a neckbearded virgin



Post different celebs here



no he's right, but taylor is garbage too

>theres still dozens of celebs way hotter than taylor swift.
yeah like Megan Fox's toe thumb.



So weak for Tay




I can get behind EmmAS




>4th biggest neckbearded virgisns on Sup Forums
>calling people neckbeard virgins.

Shes literally 4th behind Ariel, maise, and watson for most overrated garbage posted here.

posting katy perry just to trigger the swiftslaves.


What would you do for her?




maybe I am, maybe I am not. Maybe I just don't find either sex visually appealing.


what a retarded opinion, haha drink bleach u faggot


Literally anything.




oh, youre 13. it makes sense now. sorry kid.

so your opinion is null and void you fucking freak

love when people post my love


What if she wanted you take loads from her worshippers?



No it isn't. I am in a thread about celebs, talking about them My opinion is just a viable as yours.


cool bananas

well fuck off out of it no one wants u here furfag


Literal perfection

Anything Tay wants, I would do with no questions asked.

Lili Reinhart from Riverdale

except her brown anus with fleshy protrusions and her dangling labia



if i was a furfag, do you think i would be here? Use logic user or are you incapable.

>dangling labia
>implying this isn't the sexiest feature a woman could have

Stone. Roberts is the worst. At least Watson has an ass.


because a neckbearded virgin Sup Forumstard like you would know all about Tays private areas

Well don't you think she'd want you to please her loyal fans in anyway?

Why don't you go to a dick rate thread or something you homo

roberts but stone is close

The only mildly attractive one is Emma stone

>neckbearded virgin
says the guy obsessively posting Taylor Swift

aren't you the fuckin fag who said he's attracted to no one? so why would logic help me understand why you're in a female celeb thread? just neck yourself, no more (You)s for you now






coz I'm not a neckbeard or a virgin, lol like you. what exactly about obsessively posting taylor would make you assume such a thing?


You know Taylor doesn't want you on Sup Forums


How does any of that eliminate my participation? Just wow. Okay then. No more (You)s for me.


Stopped reading there.
