I think about you every day, Henry; I'm sorry that I wasn't able to do more for you...

I think about you every day, Henry; I'm sorry that I wasn't able to do more for you. You should have said something before hand, maybe to say good bye or to put it off a day.

I think I would have given you some money, explaining that I was worried for you and wasn't sure what else to do that moment. That's why I didn't say more the last time we talked, I couldn't think of anything and didn't want to ramble on , annoying you.

We were suppose to explore Marseille together, though. I'm sure we would have had fun bar hopping. But now that you're gone, how am I suppose to do d some of that exquisite Savon de Marseille?

You're parents, especially your mom, isn't doing well. And your dad is quietly depressed. But, for me, talking to your sister has helped. I promise to visit your grave site when I'm next in France.

You're sister is a really neat person I found out. She found that letter you kept by your bed that I had sent you, that's why she looked for me; and I'm glad she did. I hope talking with me has helped her.

I really wish you were still around. Love you, bro.

Fuck this life.

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't have words to say. But I feel strongly for you right now. I hope you find some peace, OP. You deserve it.

Thanks. I'm still working on it, re-reading it I can tell where it still needs work.

It's supposed to be a eulogy, but it's not written in that vain

Are you reading it at the service? Or just writing it for your own peace of mind



I'm writing it for me, so I don't forget him. I want to remember the type of person he was, what we went through, and what I hoped to do together

Bad idea. Forgetting things is always the better way to go. The past holds back the future.

Well that's very good. And sweet. I really do wish the best for you. I'm sure his life was a little brighter for your being in it.

Forgetting is the way to go. Nothing matters in life so why even care

Thankss, user

The thing is, it's stupid to cling onto stuff because it's all going down the shitter in the end. I'm sorry for what has happened to you, but you gotta remember that nothing matters.

Nothing at all...

There are worse ways to cope than writing a personal letter to remember someone by.
Might be better to focus on the lighter, the celebration of your lives together, as opposed to the regrets and if-only's. But I can't tell anyone how to feel, especially not in moments like this.
Maybe worth considering, though, OP.

The bitterness is the way I make sure his absence is always felt. I'm afraid that I'll forget him and what he meant to me

I hope you recover soon enough

I know how it feels OP, and I am truly sorry. That shit hurts more than most men know they have available.

However, you must recognize the pain, and also courage, of you brother (blood or not). Know he found peace, one way or another.

That's understandable, but I would still say it's worth considering. Maybe a separate piece, to remember why he meant what he did to you. I'd be more afraid to forget the good times I had with my friends, that made me say I loved them, than to forget to mourn their absence. I haven't lost any friends, but I do know of my father's death, I will never forget how it happened, how I felt when it happened, all that is forever in my mind.
My regret is that I feel those memories so strongly, and can barely remember what came before them.
Food for thought.

didn't know you were gay OP

also why didn't you fuck her sister you faggot, girls are most vulnerable and easily fuckable during these times

what a fucking faggot jeez

I hope he had a calm death and didn't panic at the end.

I can't ever admit it, and I hope his sister never reads the old chat logs, because he told me that he had tried hanging himself shortly before he succeeded in another attempt. I didn't panic because I had done the same thing at about the same time (I had tied some 550 cord around my neck and waiting for a good time to tie it off to the door handle, though that time never came).

Now I, in part, carry on for him. It's a heavy burden, knowing that I can't fail.

>tfw youll never feel this cos you have no friends
maybe its not that bad after all.
Anyways all the best op you sound like a good dude

I've had those feels before

I've felt that kind of loneliness but you aren't allowed on Sup Forums. There's always a baw thread to join.

I'll never forget how happy he was to get that Christmas card (it cage as a complete surprise) how how he enjoyed playing Pokémon Snap again

Oh Jesus, I'm sorry, I posted

I'm sorry, I'm so very wrong.

I'm just bitter

Those are the things worth making sure you remember. Those are the memories worth fighting to preserve. Tiny things.
My dad died while we were arguing. But the night before, he had been asleep on the couch, and I grabbed him a pillow and laid a blanket over him. Accentuate the positive.

Everybody's hurting one way or another. I hope you find some peace, too.

Why are you so bitter?

I hope so too...

I would say I've been burned by relationships, but in all honesty I've never had a single true friend in my life

I've been that alone, and how hard it is on one's psyche. But you'll make it.

I don't know if I will. I try but it never gets any better... Besides, this thread isn't about me, it's about OP...

i'm Henry and i have no idea what you're talking about, post your regretful ass if you're truly sorry

Even in anonymity, it takes a lot to admit openly when you've lashed out unfairly because of your own inner hurt. It's okay.
I can relate to that alone-ness. I think, on some level, everyone can. I find that a little funny.

I don't think anonymity should give me a free pass to be mean to others...

And yeah, I think everyone can, but nobody ever does anything about it, if somehow is something to do...

I don't think it's a free pass either. I just mean that I found it very admirable that you would own up to it like that and apologize. That takes a lot.

Have you ever seen Lars and the Real Girl? It's about a very very alone man. It's no Taxi Driver, but I'd say the main character is every bit as alone as Travis Bickle (and I'm assuming anyone as alone as we are has seen Taxi Driver).
It's a sweet movie. And the degree of social isolation makes it hit uncomfortably close to home in some parts. But it means a lot to me, and maybe you'll find some of yourself in it, too.

I'll have to watch it... Thank you for talking to me, but I gotta go.

See you user...

Like two ships passing in the night. I wish you all the best. Sincerely.

Good bye, everyone. I'm glad you got so much it of it

>We were suppose to explore Marseille together, though. I'm sure we would have had fun bar hopping. But now that you're gone, how am I suppose to do d some of that exquisite Savon de Marseille?

>mfw I've thought of suicide for at least a decade by now and don't have anyone remotely near this

Probably deserve it, though. I'm a miserable bastard who lives in my parent's basement and barely ever leaves my room, let alone the house. No degree. No job. I'm just a fuck up.

Worst part is, I know I'm the only one who can change it and what I could do to make things better for myself. I just don't.


