How do you feel watching Sup Forums slowing dying?

How do you feel watching Sup Forums slowing dying?

was it any good in the last half decade?
Problem is the porn dumb threads.
When are they getting a containment chamber?

normies and faggots coming in from cancer like ifunny

it fucking SUCKS balls

Sup Forums was never good... but since the SJW's took over and hiroshima nagasaki gook moot bought it...

holy fuck is sucks assholes

and sadly... nobody wants to fix it

my suspicion.. it's a JTRIG psyop

Sup Forums will always feel warm and as if it's sinking, just like a creamy log of shit from Andy Sixx's asshole.

There are boards for porn but the autistic kids only know Sup Forums

Sup Forums is no longer the dominate board.

Sup Forums and /r9k/ reign supreme

also, the oldfags have left, also Sup Forums was never good

It's depressing

the only way to fix it is making threads that potentially prune porn threads and bumping non-porn threads.

This is Red Leader, all pilots engage this meme!

>>Sup Forums and /r9k/ reign supreme


Yeah good luck with that.
Newfags on Sup Forums outnumber oldfags so porn threads will get more bumps.


Thanks op, I was starting to think I was the only one who realised this



Its like watching a loved one grow old get cancer and die...sad but you constantly look back to better times

The reason Sup Forums is Sup Forums is because it's always been a hemroid on the asshole of the internet, its always been this bad you goddamn normie.


Yes Sup Forums was never good but now it's not even entertaining


it's only a site on the internet; it will change, transform, fade away, diminish, or go on forever for new schoolkids to discover it and post crap.
Without the fappening it would be gone already.


I do my part to try and make it better :(



that makes you the cancer that will destroy Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is only as good as the people posting here.

so obviously it has its ups and downs. mostly downs.

if you want it better, make it better. otherwise shut your cumhole.


the problem with porn boards is that they have "quality control" that means you can't just ship them there like the autistic /s/ 6 images rule as if anyone cares if OP makes a thread that gets no replies and gets automatically pruned

My Super Secret Edgy Clubhouse is loosing its edge. Where ever will I go??


Mods killed it

Can't even post the slightest bit of -BANNED

Nah bruh, Sup Forums has been modded into oblivion, any thread that has even a hint of illegality is deleted in minutes, when was last time you saw a coupon thread, never mind a cheese pizza thread?


I thought Sup Forums is unmoderated except illegal content
What do you get banned for nowadays?
Does Sup Forums have Sup Forums tier """""quality control"""" bans?

friend of mine got banned for posting in a roll thread last week

>when normies tries to rub their accomplishments in your face like it matters
>we're both going into the ground
>one tiny speck of a planet in a tiny blip of time out of billions of humans they think being able to drive a car, have a job, their education or whatever the fuck matters
>while I just enjoy myself until I go into the dirt they slave away so they can have self satisfaction over being a worker drone and going to some preposterous afterlife that can't make sense in any scientific or modern philosophical way because they were good hardworking goyim

Fuck mods and the normies hitting the report button

I never reported a thing on the entire internet, fucking cancerous twats report things, fuck you cancerous dumb asses full of shit


>> dominate board

Fukkin maroon, it's "dominant"

he shouldn't have posted moots mom there

Try to post pic related text and see what happens : ^)


I'm also feeling like I am slowly dying. Feels good.

why does that filter apply to Sup Forums

literally the same thread every day since 2009

Yeah I can't remember reporting anyone as well.

Most people post threads for the lols but SJW's can't realise that.They get butthurt and report them.

Sup Forums started dying when we stopped caring about the important stuff, like:





You can get banned for advocating cp.
Even if it's only words you get permabanned for starting a thread talking about child sex

Even this very post is dangerous


>don't you ever dare to talk about my beloved pizza you filthy goyim


only faggots try to claim that the shit they never had a part in making is "slowly dying."

Sup Forums is an adaptive animal. its been 90% shit ever since it started and its no different now. Sup Forums always finds a way to keep going and thrive, even if you don't approve, you special snowflake.

so either try to make it better or fuck off. we really won't care either way.

I am so very happy this magical post exists. :)

Good goy, keep sliding and saging threads

Keep isolating yourselves

> we
welcome, smart new friend

Goyim please

>Slowly dying
>That was basically post #5
Nothing's changed.

how to fix Sup Forums
make it a blue board

Awaken my goy, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind, eternal will of the NWO, and that you have been created to serve me.

you are someone we wouldn't mind losing, faggot.



When i watch Sup Forums slowly dying I look and I see myself. Getting old. Slowly dying.


Porn just makes up for lack of content. The problem is that memes became mainstream so there is no reason to use Sup Forums when they are literally everywhere else.

A few years ago Sup Forums had OC, occasional CP, raid threads for lulz not for revenge, and memes. There used to be a couple of interesting threads at a time. Now you are lucky if there is one good thread a day. There is better content in the other boards. If they got rid of a lot of board Sup Forums would get better.

Sup Forums now is just lame porn and stupid questions for the sole purpose of getting replies.

TL:DR Normalfags ruined Sup Forums. They ruined Sup Forums. They ruined the whole internet.

won't happen.
this is the garbage bin where faggots like me end up when all exciting oldfags decide to leave and I' m even to autistic to follow them.





porn doesn't make up for the lack of content. they just basically make Sup Forums have 5 pages instead of 10 while it also has the most traffic.
they just halven the time most threads stay up.





The whole fucking Internet is dying. Whored out by corporations and governments. We could of had it all Sup Forums... we could of had it all

Now that is depressing

>le sneaky pizza merchant XDDD


don't worry, for Sup Forums has a saviour



Could always shut down all these faggot pron threads to get these cucks off our board





just google image search 'nure pudism' but switching the first letters. this is what destroyed Sup Forums


Glad we are on the same page user ;P

amused. Any ideas on where the new wave will crash?


interesting stuff


the brothers of the banana will protect Sup Forums