Sup Forums I need advice

Sup Forums I need advice
>be me 18
>second year of 6th form (yes I'm UK fag)
>the youngers come in
>meet a grill called Monika
>6/10 ngl
>heart of solid gold
>make fast friends
>introduce her to all my friends since she's lonergrill
>they make fast friends too but not to the level we had
>a bunch of people in my friends groups start to fall for her cos theyre thirsty fucks and she has a heart of solid gold
>shes already going out with one of my friends she actually introduced to me
>monika obviously annoyed by this
>she and I swear that we wont fall for each other, we call it "the pact"
>fast forwards to 6 months ago
>monika broke up with friend and started going out with some swedish fuck
>genuinely dislike this cuck
>what ever not my business
>fast forwards to today
>cant take my mind off of that cunt going out with monika
>slowly realise that pact is starting to show cracks and may have for a very long time

halp what do Sup Forums

Keep posting on Sup Forums untill your balls grow or at least descend from your mangina. Maybe after a few years, when you feel man enough, you can tell her how you feel. It's a shame she'll be married by then and u'll still be a lady-boy

1 dont get advice from b-tards 2 tell her how you really feel if she does not take it into consideration stop being friend grow balls find a nicer chick and get on with your life...simply advice your gonna get from b-

same person here btw... side note...making a pact with someone you refer to as a heart of solid gold and then letting her CUCK YOU... LOL just saying...

Anyways Op...Good Luck!

You guys arent realising that I was the one that wanted the pact, and I suggested it
and the issue is that I don't WANT to get with her. She might have a heart of gold but she has the face of a dog and the body of a middleaged asian woman
I want to DROP these feelings before they start budding

Hey man.
For like no reason whatsoever where abouts in the UK?

London, you?

Same my fellow Britbong, South London here.

This is literally more gay then blowing a dude
>the pact
Really bro? Your 18 but act like a 12 year old. You are getting cucked hard. She is with another guy, deal with it. Be her friend or don't. If you don't then don't be all emo about it.



Describe the grill more op

ayyyyy my g
Im a harrow guy tho, so opposite side

will post pic one sec
dw i know you wanna jack off kek


What a retarded idea. Fact it the matter is, men and women cannot be "just friends". There will ALWAYS be sexual tension between you and it will become more and more unbearable.

Confess to her the next time you meet. If she accepts, a winrar is you. If she rejects, cut off all contact and never speak to her again. Staying friends forever is not an option.


She's a doll


to each their own I guess
Im really not into her looks
Im literally just liking her for her personality
(inb4 feelsfag)


Yeah you should just tell her.
Me and my gf were friends for a year beforehand and dated each other's friends pretty much because we were too shy about our emotions

A male and female can be just friends. If the female is ugly or the male is dumb.

we've been friends for 4-5 years :|


"a pact" oh boy friendzoned again :)

nigga I made the pact, the pact was my idea, it was to prove a point

Hit the gym, put some effort into yourself, and aim higher.

Im almost 100% ectomorph
going gym is almost useless for me

You should really consider drinking bleach for obsessing over a 3d girl period


fuck your waifu
she's about as real as your dick


Nothing, because you've missed your window. You're now in "brother" mode.

that's fine but how do I drop these feelerinos?


she's persian/portuguese

Ur just a beta u wasteman

>trying to be road on Sup Forums
fuck off back to facebook cuck

Im from harrow too lmao i go whitmore my g

>high school

Im uniboy now kek only come back during holidays

They have a 6th form too u cuck

oooo boy you'd better be just finishing

Wait a minute, why do u even fucking care about this grill when u probably wont see her again when u go uni this year

>finishing second year
>still see her often

Well ur a cuck for letting someone take a grill u like and watching on like a beta and just being envious af

It looks like shes friendzoned you op and you havent caught on yet :/

i literally just realised i'm starting to catch feelings like a week-ish ago

technically i friendzoned her
and again, I dont want to leave tthe friendzone
I want to just lose these feelings

Do nothing. Simple as that. You may begin developing feelings for her, but just ignore them. They'll die eventually.
Also, OP is a faggot.


fucking newfags

dammit why what did I do


wow, thats how alphas work. setting down the rules on bitches.

that's how I roll nigguh

that was sarcasm you imbecile.

shes gonna get some much dick at uni whilst you cry over your twilight inspired pact shit.

>>she and I swear that we wont fall for each other, we call it "the pact"

yes, UKfag confirmed and certified.


that's how I roll nigguh


This is some 4th grade type shit

I'm autismo af when it comes to women man, what can I say

Newfag here.
Looks quite dead

just like my soul user


older than sin and overused as fuck
seen easily over 30 times in the past 6 months alone

only one way out user

it's still priceless though.
