Post everything you were too afraid to post in the other threads

post everything you were too afraid to post in the other threads.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why not











Once we kill off the children will it pass to the adults?


Bomb has been defused

kids could be educated into humans i'd rather 300 filthy growp up shitskins die



I can't feel anything


what will these dubs get me?

i fucked up






Die mudslimes so you can go to hell where your virginity will be taken by your dad, older brother and male cousins

Don't mind if I do

Kill them all

Why should the kids die if they are still fine for dozens of pedos out there? Kill their parents and give the little bundles of love to the drooling masses of neckbeards.

No we need a separate /thread for that

muslims aren't wrong, it's their religion, islam, that is

Happy easter.

I kinda feel like reading the bible, is it a good fantasy?

So long story short it's still Muslims that are wrong.

He's Indian not Muslim you fucking faggot. I'm cool with all Indians dying with the Muslims too though.

fuck yeah!

happy Easter to you too

Oh thank foooook


lets dew it

Nah man that shit isn't exciting at all.
I suggest u read the quran along with the hadith,preferrably bukhari's and muslim's since those are the most authentic fantasies.


I think that religions that refuse to adjust to current times should be condemned, religions that don't fall into that category should be praised

Die sandniggers!

just trying to do my part

Have to contribute

But user how will the upper class citizens and Trump Towers get their maids/butlers?
>Taco cunts
>Cant compare to Thundercat
all im saying we need middle eastern for slavery

sometimes, finger in pooper

You're an idiot.

Children are innocent.

Also most people who believe in Islam are peaceful and you know it.


Islam is a degenerate religion, with dogmas that are purely unethical.

Sura 4, verse 34;
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.

Here it justifies violence against women. This is one of the milder parts of the Quran, their equivalent of the bible.

All muslims might not be bad, but Islam sure as hell is.

nigger have you read any passage in the old testament?

Well I was 24 yesrs a muslim but since yesterday I'm a "Barrys Whitness". Join us, this is our leader Barry the half man half Weathergod

Obviously. Do you know the reason we got the new testament? Because the old one was outdated.

Christianity was reformed; Islam never was. They desperately need such a book but I fear that will never happen.

Jesus praise love and acceptance against non-believers, that one must turn them to the true faith by being gentle and kind towards them.

Muhammad believes that if they do not follow the true faith, Islam, they are not human. Unbelieving men are beheaded, their wives and daughters made into sex slaves and their sons into eunuchs.


NASA already uses them as calculators, it should be easy converting them into slaves.The brits could probably give us some pointers if we asked politely.

Well I think you're a fucking racist and so is this thread.

My prayers go to the muslim children that have been killed by this thread.

Which news source will inform me of the Muslim child slaughter?




Call me Baby Stomper



let's give it a shot



moar baby kill pls

It's the thought that counts

Those unwilling to fight for their own country,and yes possible die. Will never appreciate the freedom we enjoy in America. The the creation of all solid democracy is built on bodies and blood.



248 bombs defeused


Do I get another 248 dead if I post again?


one gas please


Dude thats real af. Would agree with that
