Text with nice girl

>text with nice girl
>text with her alot
>meet her
>beautiful day
>"This was a beautyfull day user"
>responds to my messages slowly as ignoring me
>i text her because of that
>she apologises
>ask her on a new meeting
>"I think about it"
>I tell her about my confidence issues >"everything fine user"
>next day
> text her "Good morning"
>hasn't responded yet

What do?

sharp object the fuck through your wrists.

It's over, user. You acted like a beta and now she'll never see you as anything else. Learn from it and move on to the next girl. Ironically, if you actually do this, she might come back around to you anyway.

>rage comic face

She doesn't want to be with you. You'll just have to accept that and move on.

Any idea for a last message?

say "Hey bitch don't ignore my texts like some sort of nigger. you got something to say to me? say it."

Threaten her

asume she is not interisting in you, so move your ass and find another one.

Just leave it alone
She'll be more interested if you seem like you have other options, and you won't be able to embarass yourself like a beta cuck when you try something stupid with your final message

What do if she eventually responds?

Stop trying so hard

Dont spill your guts to anyone you do t know too well whether it a new friend or girl that your trying to get at

My problem is that i can t stop thinking -.-

If she doesn't respond for a day just say "Alright I understand. It was nice knowing you" If she is still interested then she would respond. If she doesnt it's time to move on

wtf she just responded
i am fucking confused -.-

Post convo

dont think that you can understand german


OP stop showing us youre barely a highschooler.
Ignore her
She ignored you
Return the favor.
Smile in the halls and wait for her to dig a deep conversation into you.

Ich spreche fließend deutsch. Poste die Konvo, ich übersetze.


give up she's not interested
ik but thats what you gotta do