There's always a YLYL thread so fuck that I've laughed and lost so I'll post that shit

There's always a YLYL thread so fuck that I've laughed and lost so I'll post that shit

ITT:pics you've already lost to

Other urls found in this thread:


Shameless bump














Fuck off this is a banana thread








OP be like: N-not my YLYL thread pleasee...

das prrty gud maine




I really really really like this image









Save it, it's all yours!

hot tub nigga be watchin' y'all

Thanks lori

is this mekka?


>same sex
Do you even know what marriage is? It says in the bible that marriage is between a man and a women, why would priests marry two people of the same gender? It's not logical, and outright homosexual. kys fag

also Obama is antichrist


Marriage isn't a religious thing anymore. Once the government started giving couples tax breaks and benefits religion doesn't hold control over marriage. If it's this big of a deal keep marriage and we can call it civil unions rather than its slang term.

We'll like that's just your opinion man

Idk tbh

Bananas aren't even a forced meme anymore. Like forced memes are usually forced in a funny way but this is literally just how to kill an interesting thread 101 at this point. This needs to end for fuck sake, half the people spamming these are semi-newfags who take it upon themselves to- "Le troll all the silly anons XD if i post enough banambos i godd'm >xD" "Ahaha look i did it XD omg im that guy, ahaha oh man im so crazy" and they join together and collectively kill an interesting thread because 'we trolled u all XD DD'
Just stop turning Sup Forums further and further into the acidic cespool of horny teens and sexually frustrated 20 year olds who spend there time here jacking to anything with something that looks like a body then they do actually attempting to do shit.

Always knew America would pull out a shit-tier antichrist, you cunts never get anything right.



the whole thing is just complete rubbish; if it wasn't a religious thing anymore, why do you need priests to get married? just silly

if they are going to bring in same sex marriage, they can't just call priests bigots for believing in scripture, it's just not right

I really, really, really like this post!

Heterosexual white male here. Priests arnt bigots. All religious folks are dangerous bigots. Like I said, keep the slang marriage and we can just have civil unions. Or just stop this shit all together, no more tax breaks or benefits for pairing. I'm a married atheist. In Kentucky it was required by law for someone to read vows. I didn't want that, I wanted to sign a paper. Pretty fucked up if you ask me, I just wanted my girl on my insurance.

>>need priests

do you even justice of the peace, bro?
hell, in Vegas you can be married by a fuckin' Elvis impersonator



what is the world coming to




Is that KenM in disguise?

You can get married at the county clerk, you know?

You do realize that the institution of marriage outdates the who history of jewdom and Christianfaggotry? Kys and go-to your imaginary afterlife.

Nigger faggot, there's no rule in Kentucky that someone must read vows.