Go rekt

go rekt

Other urls found in this thread:


WTF is this shit

what was ontop of her head?

Come on dude why you posting that garbage?



>OP is some really fucking weird kid who walks around thinking hes edgy for looking at videos of humans suffering irl

Damn, I'm a different person now

Old video...

Please stop re-posting old shit.

Now, I bet you're gonna post the vid of the kid getting beheaded.

Old stuff.

Weak thread.

honestly - fuck you.

">*op is standing in line at mcdonalds and thinks to himself* "no one here even knows i have videos of people dying on my computer. fuck everyone here. get on my level"

most stuff on Sup Forums is weak

is /b getting soft & pc?


iPhone master race here. Joke's on all of you. I can't view webms.



such a waste of a beauty

/r/ing wemb of that little Brasilian Dindu who had his fingers smashed with a car door.

When you're the guy who has to actually help someone in need, and see those eyes up close, you really do lose interest in seeing something like this you edgy fuck.

omg whats the story? did he survive?

Girl was texting another man so the boyfriend planned to bust her phone over her head as revenge. Went wrong and she started spazzing out on them.

He was ded before the video started m8

Did she survive?


she was part of brazilian human trafficing ring and she was giving info to another group through her telephone

so they dealt with phone and her with a single smash

This, you can hear them speaking Portuguese, telling here she made a mistake.
And when she gets all jiggly, they get worried.

while op is some weird kid, that doesn't exclude the fact you came on to a rekt thread expecting roses and puppies, I mean a rekt thread, notoriously bad, gtfo if you don't like it.

This shit is fucking disgusting.
All these newfags saying this is horrible, who don't know what a rekt thread is. Kindly gas yourself newfags.
Sup Forums needs to be fucking purged one day


I'm expecting tortured puppies.

Na brah you can hear what they say in the video that has audio.

Probably not who knows.

dubs wasted on such a newfag

eat shit

most accurate thing ever.

a special snowflake.

with audio: forum.deathaddict.com/attachments/must-see-girl-has-a-log-slammed-down-on-her-head-then-punched-in-the-face1-mp4.14950/


Gas yourself retard, what has Sup Forums come to where newfags insult oldfags

OOo big boi loves watching animals suffer,

how bad can you be as a truck driver?

I don't only love to "watch" animals suffer...


literally, when i see the truck accidents i wonder, how the fuck do you fuck up this bad? No brakes? Are they drunk? Are they hiring potatoes?

A fucking waste of a spasm atack

ooo wowee edgy. Ur cool. Online animal torturer, wowee

Wowsers Peter, who knew that you loved squirrels so much?
>Adds "..." To the end of the sentence to make it more edgy
Boy you sure like sharp things!

damn someone got this with sound?



Shit it was my girlfriend, i'll try to reanimate her.

What a bunch of apes.

It's somewhere on bestgore.

this guys probably overweight and can't get any pussy so he resorts to burning kittens or some shit pathetic little edgy potato.


Calm, calm, calm.




Newfag cunts need to gtfo.
Return hence you came snowflakes, puppy and kitten sites are available elsewhere.

Pic related.

Stupid brazilian apes.

Bunch of western occidental pussies right here. Living in their parent's basement and getting fed by the media to accept homosexuality as something cool and accept that animals are like humans.

Pathetic little cunts.

If you don't like animal torture, why are you eating meat then? Why are you eating food from Mc Donald's or other fast foods that are PROVEN to torture animals by making them leave in their own shit and with zero light.

"B-b-b-u-t chickens and beeves are not as cuuute as pet dogs and pet cats, so I don't care if they suffer"

Nice thinking. Shows how low your IQ is.

Ask your doctor to prescribe you some Testosterone, because your levels seem to be low too.

Edit: Live*

Yes he is alive, look up for Rainer Winkler

GTFO tumblr

Is there anything worse then seeing something on the internet that gives you that feeling in your stumich and makes you wonder why you even put yourself in the situation to see that. Then seeing this stupid fucking joke and chuckling.

this made me laugh and hate myself
fuck you

is it weird that I have a boner rn?